Saturday, 29 August 2015

Hano, are the media operators/owners grabbing the various opportunities the multi-media platforms offer?

Yes, each business owner including media houses has to double check the various tools or platforms are suitable to access or reach his or her customers. but yeah...

I am just saying - multi media platforms offer so much for all uses to maximize their business product offers and value to the experience they offer.

For instance, are media operators or owners making use of blogs? Do they try out vlogging? And You-Tube? Well, these are but some of the few platforms I am mentioning that can give choices to your followers ---

We leave in a dynamic media environment whose customers and audiences use various media consumption formats -- especially the young ones -- and if we do not follow them and catch them where they are - and at the platforms they "chill" we might just lose them..

That is why I just thought about - the question of trying the various online platforms - based on your followers data - to ensure that they have free and easy access to the experience of why you do what you do ...

Again, this post is but my own view as the multi-media worker and lover  - in my individual capacity.

I just love the multi-media buzz - it keeps media operators and owners on their toes - or else - they risk having their audiences or customers poached by those who offer them the best product (news) experience

I love multi-media - it gives any operator and owner a run for his or her money and puts such conduit on his or her toes.

On the other end, users have a choice --- gone are the days when e.g. a particular TV station would relax and air its news at a particular hour, or a specific print media waiting to publish at a particular hour or the following day - or a radio station, dragging feet as its show will air will air in a particular slot.

In today's world - various media houses have gone multi-media - print media not only publish, the have online news - they have video even on demand, they have mobile news and news alerts.

On the other hand, radio stations not only do broadcast via their given frequencies via fm or short waves or whatever, radio service nowadays have websites, they stream news and programming, and they publish too.

This also applies to traditional TV owners - they do not only broadcast via TV Channels, they have websites too, and publish and stream - and all..and they go live -- if you wait for the next day or hours after the event has happened, you will be a "follower" as news broadcast is concerned and not the leader.

Just take not that leading with news or programming requires strict ethics and accuracy - as you cannot be first with wrong or inaccurate or incorrect news

And that is what I like about multi-media - it created a "border-less" fabric among media houses when it comes to specific news and programming broadcast/publish formats... today. we are talking about products in the media.

We are referring to our our news and programming as product - and that product has to be competitive - in order to be marketable ---

The second point we talk about is the "experience" our product gives its consumers - as we learnt from Simon Sinek (google him up from YouTube), people buy "why"we do what we do and not what we do or how we do it ( I picked that concept up from the NBC Leadership Development Programme).

And any media person or set up that ignores this aspect risks having its audience and customers swing to those who fill the product experience satisfaction.

We are at the "peak"of multi-media - and that alone has just heightened my passion for being in the media industry...

You want to try that out? Yes, all you need is a bit of a media passion and a doze of loving to inspire others and changing people's lives for the better.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Perseverence - what a driving force?

Without going into defining what perseverance is or mean, I am already jumping to conclusions that if you can persevere, you can go planets.

Yesterday I listened to a rebroadcast show of one of Namibia's young top lawyers, and I got even more convinced that perseverance can move mountains...

When you persevere, you remain on your your target, focused and unwavered. When you persevere you are destined for all those great things, you remained walled and unmoved. You can fall, once, twice or event thrice, all you do is pick yourself up dust the dirt off and look forward and then you march.

The lawyer's I listened to said he lost one case twice but he remained convinced that justice was not served and that he would pursue that justice even it it mean that he would use his own money to ensure that fairness prevailed. After some years, he won the case..

That's the act of believing in something - strong conviction and arduous way of perseverance. It is lined with selflessness, personal sacrifices and gain for others, and not for oneself.

I am one of those who are hooked to perseverence, strong conviction and believe, standing for justice and fairness as well as patriotism, ready to sacrifice just for the sake of justice.

Perseverance is such as crazy drive force which can leave one on his or her feet regardless of the danger in a particular situation.

I salute all those who persevere for the sake of humanity and people advancement - lined with fairness and justice.

Monday, 17 August 2015

If you think out of the box, nothing is impossible

Most of the time, we are limited by our thoughts, unknown, fear, disbelief and self doubt of what we are capable of doing.

However, with a little bit of inspiration, one can unlock one's potential through deep thoughts and hope...all we need is a bit of courage and push to look behind our traditional scene or sight.

None of us had known what would become of us by now, or what we would have achieved in life or our contribution to our families, work, communities and nations, but here we are..

Who knows what tomorrow holds, no one. Therefore, why are we worried if we do not know how much energy and power we poses to move beyond that little hill or the mountain... who knows if we would be on the mountain top tomorrow? If we could be at the highest peak ever, why do we limit ourselves, why do we deny ourselves possibilities of life?

That is why I am saying if we think outside the box, nothing becomes impossible, impossible actually becomes possible, therefore, do away with self doubt, move a step forward and aim for beyond the stars....

This was just a bit of motivation from me, your cyber friend