November 2021 will be the historic month and period for EMAS Business School in Moscow, Russia and at all its paratner international partners around the world during which amongst others the leaders of the school introduced Code of Ethical Behaviour for all its community, students, graduates, teachers, guest lecturers consultants, employeees and related partners.
Managing human behaviour in general and sustaining such behaviour in a sort of standardized and acceptable culture is probably one of the challenging tasks an international institution such as the EMAS Business Schoolf can manage. This task can even be more challenging considering that the EMAS Business School - consists of different 70 nationalities and managing over 400 students from diverse background and different national legislations.
As readers of this post may know, many countries including my own, Namibia are grappling with reported high profile cases of perceived fraud, corruption or just of pure dishonesty including cases that are currently before high court in Namibia dubbed Fishrot which include former Ministers of Fisheries and Justice and other senior of officials of State Owned Enterprises. Infact the bail hearing of the former minister of fisheries will be in High Court on Monday, 29th November 2021 a few hours from now -(as I am writing this report). I am mentioning the Namibian Fishrot Case conscious of the fact that one is guilty until proven guilty. But, since there are charges of perceived corruption and dishonesty I am referring to that case. But, generally, issues of personal integrity and reputational guarding are not that easy to manage, both at personal and business level - inclding at academic level too.
This probably explains why the school introduced a Code of Ethical Behaviour which had to be adhered to by the EMAS Business School family in an attempt to remind the EMAS Business School family to conduct themselves in a manner that does not put the varsity in disrepute or discriminate fellow school family members on the basis of their creed, coloour, culture or skin as well as religion.
The Code of Ethical Conduct does therefore not only contain academic integrity, honesty and related behaviour such as avoiding issues of plagiarism, respecting intellectual property - it also refers to the values and ideals which ae not less important than the most advanced knowledge according to the EMAS Business School Rector in his message that is included in the Code of Ethics.
EMAS Business School Rector, Andrey Kolyada states that, "each of us has a personal responsibility to protech th reputation of EMAS. Everyone can strengthen it or conversely discredit it because we live in an age when the actions of each person matters and can change th world. An axiom that does not require proof is the fact that we must all adhere to a zero-tolerance policy for th manifestation of any discrimination, corruption, fraud, dishonesty and dishonest pay in business and life. In order to codify our values and worldviewe, we have adopted the Code of Ethics (herinafter- the Code), which covers the minimum basic standards of ethics and core values which each of us must adhere to in all circumstances. It should and nothing else-if we want to consider ourselves a part of a single EMAS family . The education and educational institution in which a person once studies is a story for his entire life".
Clause number 4 of the Code of Ethics deals with the compliance with the laws of Russia and other countries. The Code states that the EMAS Business School is governed by a number of national and international laws and regulations and that most of the standards established by the Code are based on legal requirements. The Code therefore hints that it is necessary to understand that non-compliance with the lawa can lead to serious consequences both legal and reputational terms. All employees, faculty, students, graduates and partners of EMAS must therefore comply with the law including but not limited to:
- Tax law
- Occupational Safety and Health
- Labour Relations
- Environmental protection and protection of wildlife
- Antimonopoly legislation
- Anti-Corruption legislation