Saturday, 12 July 2014

If it were in the Corporate Terms, one would say Brazil National Team would have to go for a "Turn-Around Strategy",

What is coming out of the 2014 World Cup Games for me is the issue of the "need to work as a solid team". I am hearing so much of the German Team having had a coherent team and playing as a team. The Netherlands I am told are also playing as a team - but Brazil seems to be playing a bit disjoined. And although there could be reasons as to why Germany for instance plays as a team - e.g. because most players have been playing together in other leagues unlike the Brazilian team, what is key is that team work is critical to success.

This rang a bell to me because as a corporate leader - I am on a daily basis hearing this and that business not able to achieve its set corporate objectives - meaning that particular business was not successful. Can one then attribute this to amongst other lack of team work or a team that is playing its governance game in a disjointed manner?

When that happens, the trend at least in Namibia is that such a business must go for a "Turn Around Strategy" to reorganize its businesses with the aim to improve its performance. I then also thought about the Brazilian players - who have been great names among the world soccer match brands -- who are now struggling to maintain their usual ranking during World Cups - and I thought - do they then also need some type of Turn Around Strategy then, or what does one call it when it is on a Soccer Pitch and not in a Corporate Boardroom?

I am sure the Brazilian Team will take stock of what might just have gone wrong because almost everyone, Brazilian or not is left with a question mark at to what might have gone wrong - did the German team just really marked the Brazilian team with precision  since the Germans are known for their precision in almost every sphere - business - and now sport?? If that was the case, did the Netherland team do the same then? If yes, Brazilian team could not be on the look out for that - that their players could be marked and blocked fronm any goal shootings?

Yeah, whatever might have happened, I am emphasizing the issue of team work - that is critical to every success, and this rings a loud bell to many of us that if we want to succeed, we need to play as a team, at work, home, on the soccer pitch and else where.

This post is published just shortly after the start of the second half between Brazil and Netherlands. At that time, Netherlands scored two goals and Brazil was yet to shoot a goal.  

After 24 years of broadcasting only via a single TV channel, the Namibia Broadcasting Corporation, NBC is now boasting three TV Channels. To some, these might still be baby steps or a humble beginning, but to some of us who have come a long way with the corporation since its inception as audience (s) this development is a giant step.

First of all - I would like to put this disclaimer forward: I am writing this post not as an NBC employee, but as a Namibian and an NBC audience. I hope there is no conflict of interest here, but I also do realize that because I am an NBC employee, my right as a consumer to air my view on the exciting  digital tranformation in my country seems to have been cancelled by the fact that I work at the NBC. But, this time, I could really not contain my multi-media transformation excitement, and please forgive me for this. Therefore, the views expressed in this post are not that of the NBC but of the post author herself.

It's called the "multi-media fever" and "The Great Namibian Digitalization Revolution". If it has not gripped you yet, then you are not in the Land of the Brave or you just don't watch the NBC TV or listen to its radio services to be specific.

I guess all of us in Namibia are obviously aware of the "Buzz word" Multi-media or Digitalization that has been doing the rounds say since 2013 when the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation, NBC officially "switched" on from analogue to digital.

Many of you I guess have heard about what is called the  "Set Top Boxes", which basically mean some decomders that each TV Set Holder must have as part of the country's covertion from using the analogue broadcasting facilities to digital equipment which result in ample opportunities such as - having multiple TV channels, all your radio channels accessable on the same decoder, a crystal clear TV picture quality and stereo sound when it comes to radio.

The broadcasting transformation is here to stay - and its impact is already being felt across the Namibian Nation. "It's Ours" is on the historic journey and is busy re-writing its story, that no one can deny.

After 24 years of only broadcasting via one TV Channel, the Namibia Broadcasting Corporation, NBC (established by an Act of Parliament, Act 9: NBC Act of 1991) the National Broadcaster is now boasting three TV channels. Yes, it is true that the International Telecommunication, ITU in 2006 gave a directive for all African countries to convert their broadcasting facilities from what is called analogue to digital. And that such broadcasters must have adhered to instruction in 9 years time, which is by next June 2015. Nine years might have sounded a long period for African broadcasters to do as per the ITU directive, but as those in the know would share their experience, most public or State broadcaster limp when it coms to funding and own revenue generation. Their shareholders too do not have free money to dish out and must only do so based on thoroughly planned and budgetted for projects.

So far, many SADC countries are still to honour the ITU directive and so far, countries that have made a move include Mauritius and Tanzania - and Namibia others are in still in the process of adding their full names on that list.....South Africa is slowly but surely also in this category. This process is "no walk in the park" though. It demands, finances, skills, and dedication - with an eye for the right broadcasting infrastructure and technocrats that can assembly the equipment correctly and during the prescribed time. It demands proper marketing strategies for consumer awareness aspects - to ensure that the users know why this change is necessary and how to fit it as well as where to access the decoders that willl make them part of the transformation agenda. And the NBC has thus far done a lot to ensure that the various processes have been followed. Of course this transformation will not be without mistakes and challenges - it's a learning process - it's an "aha and wow experience" and most of us including the author of this post are for the first time learning how to broadcasting using some of the new facilities.

That is why I am saying - the NBC - after 24 years is now boasting a variety of programme offering platforms on its TV.. which many viewers have craved for but had no choice due to amongst others a former single TV channel. For now, audiences will nonw be able to have a choice - when it comes to their favourite TV shows. The decoders have recording faciltiies meaning they will no longer miss their favourite programmes. This development is a great revolution for especially the majority of Namibians, those who had no funds to purchase DSTV Decoders and maintain the monthly fee payment. Unlike other channels that are paid for monthly, the NBC decoder once acquired - means the owner will not pay a monthly feed, it is a once off payment. It is also affordable, N$199.00 for a Set Top Box for any other users and N$60.00 for pensioners, Veterans as in all those classified in this category etc. SADC countries made a deliberate attempt to have their residents have access to these decoders at an affordable price and not to have them negatively impacted by the digitalization revolution. This information transformation age is infact suppose to give all audiences opportunities when it comes to information - via various multi-media platforms  - TV - Radio- Print - Web and Mobile. The NBC has already embraced all these platforms.

In addition to the three TV Channels, the NBC is boasting online platforms such as twitter, facebook, U-tube where many of its programmes are accessible, Skype, mobile when it somes to its radio headlines  and off late instagram. It has also started to stream some of its key entertainment shows, with the 2014 Namibia Musica Awards, NAMA having pioneered that platform. The various radio stations are indeed accessible via streaming - it's been e-radio all the way at the NBC. Infact the NBC has lined up more TV Channels, and the current three are but the first steps towards offering a choice to its audiences - in the long run, it's going to be an explosion of content bouquents. And that is why you as an audience have to gear up for this package - which will not only offer you TV content but Radio shows too - from one "Set Top Box Platform".

Digitalization in Namibia is a fact which cannot be ignored -- and that is why those experiencing and being part of it must tell this inspiring story - that of development in the ICT sector of a growing nation.

Disclaimer : The views expressed in this post are not that of the NBC but of the post author.

What comes to mind before your post, text, share and flight a message on your social network platforms?

Many of us have become so addicted and attached to our various social network platforms, face book, instagram, blogs, vlogs, linkedin, twitter and many more.

But, the question is, what comes to mind before you decide to text or share a message with your Cyber friends?

1. Texting as a way to express what you are feeling at a particular moment?
2. Texting just to share with your cyber family as information is power
3. Texting to look for input - guidance - expecting similar experience
4. Texting just to audiences out there and you don't expect any comment anyway.
5. Texting as part of having fun - loving to write in short and improving your writing skills?
6. Texting just for the sake of it?
7. You text to avoid loneliness and Facebook or other social platforms have actually become our friends - and keep us engaged.

By the way, do you infact first think about you want to write/text or share or do you end up regretting what you said after some thought?

Well, I am also trying to find out what goes in my mind before I text... lol

I just love deep thinking - and intellectual stirring -- we have to keep on having brain fun...

Many of us have fallen so deeply in love with some social network platforms - as they have filled the gap of potential loneliness.

Many of us have fallen so deep in love with our gadgets - mobile phones, laptop computers etc and can hardly divorce ourselves from them - whether at work, home, on the road and even in bed or while tub-bathing.

This is because such facilities give us platforms to remain connected, engaged and in touch with our loved ones, friends and work mates. Social networks or online platforms - have filled the gap of potential loneliness that some of us might have been experiencing - they have given us a chance to express ourselves even if you don't physically have an audience - they sooth us and release some potential pressures through texting, sharing through various linkages.

I for one find so much solace in mainly blogging and face-booking - and get so much fun and satisfaction from texting - as such platforms allow me to sharpening my writing skills as continuing to write can in a way help you to remember to write some words, construct sentences and force me to think deep about the subject I am writting....

That's why today, I still remain so thankful that I attended a Web 2.0 training course organized by both University of Namibian and CTA - conducted by one of the world's great online platform trainers, Mr. Simunza Muyangana.... since that time, I love blogging and skipping a week without blogging leaves such an urge and gap reminding me that I have to find a topic to blog about.

The world has really changed so much nowadays - especially in the ICT sector....unlike those days when you would want to find out how a particular event might have been managed, today, you can get a video of that event instantly, you can get still pictures, a person attending that event, whether your sister's baby baptism can text you in the midst of it to explain what is going and there are so many other methods...and I just love it ... I am also in the midst of it -- and have vowed not to remain behind by the what technology offers.

I am therefore one of those that have deeply fallen in love with web facilities and platforms -- and while I am aware of risks such opportunities bring along, I chose to only focus on what adds value to me, my people, communities, countries and the world. I believe internent and web platforms have more benefits to offer than the other side of the coin...

All you need is to be well organized - not to neglect other aspects of your life by only being bogged down by the NET - by being time management wise, have your facilities - mobile phone or laptop computer, have credit for your internet usage and a great area where you can have fun by making use of these great opportunities .....

Good bye loneliness, welcome social network platforms...

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Yes, it's "Die-Hard". She is a Cancer Survivor. It's Namibia's energizer when it comes to courage and determination to live on another day - despite the untold physical and emotional pain the dreaded oncology can inflict on her!

She was diagnosed with breast cancer at her peak teen-and youth age. The time a young girl is usually is hot-pursuit of her special years -"tertiarying as in university studying:, "birdying as in partner-watching and searching", fun-and-entertainment hunting and many more. But for her, she instead had to "cancer-nurse" herself and trying to come to terms with what was to change her life forever - permanent transformation - emotionally, physically and at times personally. She had to grapple with how she would be the person she is today post -cancer impact on her life.

She went through what could be the worse to any person of her age - mainly physical change - in the full view of her own family and friends and those who cared. The worse was her many hours in the medical operational theatre, which resulted a loss of a body part and a life-long scar, not only physically but also emotionally, not only to her but also to those who love her. She has undergone almost all the medical tests that you can think of when it comes to oncologic conditions. She has been in almost all key hospitals in Namibia's capital city Windhoek - and had been seen by almost all the country's specialists when it comes to that medical condition. Her medical check-ups demanded all the available special equipment in the land when it comes to her condition - from various external body scanning facilities to internal camera inspections. She has been in and out of the hospital - day and night - and had undergone various chemo and radio theraphies. For some patients in her category, a daily session of chemo-therapy can take up to eight consecutive hours of intravenious (drip) treatment which demands the person to be seated in one place. Eight hours is a full days work, but if you put yourself in her shoes, sitting in one place - undergoing that treatment - mmmmm - it is an exercise that demands courage, fearlessness and hope to live despite that particular time's ache and strain. The treatment itself can be another nightmare - with number of side-effects, depending on a particular patients situation - dizziness, nausea, vomitting, weakness, irritation and inability to do almost anything apart from being in bed. And you know what, being in bed does also not meant one is at easy, peace or able to sleep, it can be sleepless nights even through chilly winters.

She experienced the hardest times - ever - but her determination to live on another day inspired her and those around her to remain who she is today. Her "Die-Hard" spirit kept the hope of many including the hundreds of supporters from home and abroad. The medical staff has been amazing, the nation's care through kind words and well wishing was awesome. It's been a situation of at times not knowing what to do, but to remember to keep the race - of living on another day.

Hers has been "For the Cause". It's been a curve to share with other young Namibians who might be experiencing the same situation or have loved ones facing this untold experience - to say, yes, you can be in it today, but one never knows what tomorrow holds - thefore keeping hope alive is the best option. Many have come out to share her story with her in private - and to thank her for the uniqueness in her to inspire fellow Namibians that you still remain a person despite what she was going through.

As a result of her condition and in and out of the medical hands, she lost out on her tertiary hours to complete her studies at the Masters' level on time - but as soon as she felt better, she had always wanted to go back to class. When she was out of the hospital, she was ready to share with the nation that oncology was real - but one had to adhere to the instructions of the medical team - and things could just be normal till whatever time it would take. She did not forget her media industry activities - music and MCying. And she also took on an official job - still juggling as part of her ploughing back into the community at various levels.

There is so much I can talk about this "Cancer-Condition Fighter", a lot I can tale about Namibia's Own "Kan Nie Dood" and I know you too have so much to say about her. Others even went on social media to declare that she was dead, but that has never dampened her spirit to paddle on or that of her family and friends because she knows that ONLY GOD can call her name - when it is time and not any humanbeing.

I guess you know who I am talking about - I am sure you are aware of this amazing young woman - the bubbly child from birth, and happy girl from the we knew we had her - but an assertive young woman - confident Activist - a Go-Gettter every time she is on it - and "No-head-bending to Shoulder" attitude daughter of the soil.

Another Cancer Survivor Legend - living on to inspire the Namibian Nation! Xoxo "Die-Hard". Huggies as you continue to beat Breast Cancer.

This post is compiled in honour of  Die Hard's tireless efforts to keep battling cancer and for keeping a smile - despite the extend of the pain she might go through on a particular day.

It is also a tribute to all Namibian Cancer Survivors - those who are tackling breast, cervical and prostate and blood cancer.

And it is packaged in remembrance of Namibia's First Lady, Penehupifo Pohamba's International Cancer Conference taking place from 20-22nd July at the Safari Hotel in Namibia this year.

The author of this post has first hand experience of living alongside a Cancer Survivor and has witness all the horrible times of being a support structure member of a Cancer Patient.

Long Live Die-Hard !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, it's been all female analysts on NBC TV 1's Soccer Pitch Show!!!! Thumbs up to the NBC for giving our young women that opportuntiy to shine on what's usually and traditionally a male domain - not only on the pitch but also on the studio set. What a tranformation!

Wow, it's all female presenters on NBC's TV 1's Soccer Pitch Show, They are analysing the the African Team's performance in the 2014 World Cup currently underway in Brazil. Mmmmm, isn't that just great for the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation to give our women, and young ones for that matter an opportunity to talk about the beautiful game and the world's stop sport game?

Yes, it's five of them, four on the set, chatting about the various top goal scorers, the controversies of some teams and payment or bonuses, countries that saw their sport administrators costing them their jobs to the bite on the pitch and the Boateng brothers. They are talking about players' ball controls, from foot to chest to headers and composurers and general goal tactics. The world cup fans' highs and lows to goal technology and who is hot on the pitch - "my hot guy on the pitch, and off the pitch", just to add a bit of humour to the discussions. There was also an Interactive Presenter who brough the total female presenters number to five.

What a transformation in the NBC studio's - especially at the Sport Desk? The tradition has been to have male soccer analysts and presenters who are perceived to be football gurus and soccer knowledgeable. But, the world and broadcasting industry is really transforming - the fact that women can now also play football, professional football for that matter. In October this year for example, the NBC will show-case the Women's Champions' League - International Women Football. Therefore, if they can play football, why not analyze it too.

Again, thumbs up to the NBC - it was time to have given our women this opportunity - they have what it takes to be the top analysts once they are supported, and groomed. And Namibia is talking "50/50" though, not only when it comes to politics, but it is a concept that must be embraced at all levels including football.

Yes' it's been Jane Jacobs, Lucy K,  Chiyenne Jimmy,  and ..... Innocent Tjimbundu on the set, and Yna Tshapaka as the Interactive Presenter. You guys just rocked - keep up that spirit -and keep an eye on the soccer mantle so that you can learn more and more and at the same time, entertain the nation with your studio tete-a-tete.

And, way to go NBC - it's ours - both for male and female Namibians - equal opportunity is what? You are on points! Keep going, it get only get better -if we give our young broadcasters a chance - at all levels, including on soccer pitches! Today, Thursday, 03 July 2014 will go deep in the NBC and Namibian History as having been a night for Ladies on Soccer Pitch.