Saturday, 12 July 2014

What comes to mind before your post, text, share and flight a message on your social network platforms?

Many of us have become so addicted and attached to our various social network platforms, face book, instagram, blogs, vlogs, linkedin, twitter and many more.

But, the question is, what comes to mind before you decide to text or share a message with your Cyber friends?

1. Texting as a way to express what you are feeling at a particular moment?
2. Texting just to share with your cyber family as information is power
3. Texting to look for input - guidance - expecting similar experience
4. Texting just to audiences out there and you don't expect any comment anyway.
5. Texting as part of having fun - loving to write in short and improving your writing skills?
6. Texting just for the sake of it?
7. You text to avoid loneliness and Facebook or other social platforms have actually become our friends - and keep us engaged.

By the way, do you infact first think about you want to write/text or share or do you end up regretting what you said after some thought?

Well, I am also trying to find out what goes in my mind before I text... lol

I just love deep thinking - and intellectual stirring -- we have to keep on having brain fun...

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