Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Namibia - busy with with the debate on the third Constitution Amendment Bill

The Namibian National Assembly - whose proceedings are being broadcast as they happen - right as I write this post - have attracted many interested parties to listen to the debate on Namibia's third proposed amendment to the constitution.

Recently the Namibia's Chairperson of the Law Reform - Sackie Shanghala has been sharing with the public - consulting on this very bill - but it seems in some quarters like among the NGO's and some political parties advance further consultations. One MP confirmed that back-benchers were extensively consulted - and that everybody in the house was consulted - squashing the allegations that some back benchers were not consulted.

This post will not go into the actual amendments and why they are need, but will focus more on the current debate in the National Assembly.

Currently, the discussions are interesting - with some MP's asking the morality of the envisaged action -- and whether their mandate was still valid before the next Parliament - others infact reacted with vuma requesting the particular MP who made such comments to withdraw them as he was wrong - because the MPs still had the mandate to regulate.

One of the MPs referred to the fellow MP who questioned the moral and mandate of the members to amend the constitution - to the article that deals with the repeal and amendments - and the number of those MPs who must be present - as the constitution has given the mandate - he then questioned why the fellow MP was telling the public things that are not correct.

One of the MP's said - if the constitution is to be amended or changed - then some of the old MP's must also move on and change - so that young people can join parliament --as their time was up - and must retire - and give the youth a chance to bring in new ideas... One MP even said go spend time with your grand chldren and your great grand children....this reaction followed a remark that some of the MPs were not in the Chambers in 1990 might not remember what was happening then and the constitution formulation.

But the speaker said - let those MPs who were in the Chambers remain till after the elections in November 2014. It was also said what was mentioned was real history - and that people must not be mislead - and the changes are being made because of what was made then ---and now needs to change to fit the current situation.

Some of our MPs are using ipads - presenting their motions from their gadgets ....great technology users ....

The bone of contention is again - from those who are concerned is that the people of Namibia were not consulted and that the country does not need to rush into changing the consitution.

Today's debate on the bill are envisaged to pave the way to Namibia's third amendment to the constitution
- previously, Namibia had amended the constitution to pave the way for the Presidential Third Term, and the other one had to do with the Appointment of some Regional leaders --- and today's one is another one...

Again -- the debate continues - the final decision will be arrived at once this matter has been finalized .. again this post was just to alert you that in Namibia today - we have one of the key and historic debates on the constitution amendment bill.

In the meantime, some people are having a demonstration outside Parliament -- targetted on the proposed bill..

This post will still be edited and improved ---for now once again, the idea was just to alert that the debate is on.

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