Thursday, 29 January 2015

New Day, so much in store for each of us

Have you ever wondered what each brand new day has in store for you? Have you ever thought of positive things and progress that can happen to you every new day. Have you ever reflected a so much potential value that you can add to your being every day of the week?

Just pause, and think a bit - what positive things happened to you today when you woke up? What are all those great things that made you smile, happy, feel good and valued? What news did you receive today - and how did that news make you feel?

Well, I had a great day - and with so much great things in store.. a while ago, I just received an email, with some historic news attached to it. That is why I am saying each day has so much in store for everyone. I did not expect that particular mail, but I did have a great feeling that each day was so precious and anything beautiful can happen to me.

Well, I hope that you too had a great day - and that you experienced that great feeling --- Love is the greatest in this world, our hearts must be filled with love, hope, joy and fulfillment all the way - that is why I am thanking my Creator - for all the favour and blessings from the time I was born to date to the next level.

I thank God for each beautiful day He has made for us - to live and to let live ---and be part of mother planet... mmm, once again, each day, so much in store for each one of us.

Saturday, 24 January 2015

This month (Jan 2015) marks my almost quarter of a century in broadcasting -- hippie, what a journey that was.

Time really flies....this month(Jan) marks my 24 consecutive years of service in the broadcasting industry. There has never been a dull moment for me in this business.

We are currently at the excitement peak of the profession especially with the implementation of the 2006 International Telecommunication, ITU's Digital Terrestrial Television, DTT directive which demands African broadcasters to convert their broadcasting infrastructure and equipment from analogue to digital.

We also have what is is called Direct To Home or DTH satellite TV and other opportunities brought about by internet revolution such as the online/web/multimedia platforms.

 In today's broadcasting and general media industry, you just SMS a storyline/lead or Hard News piece - or contact details of a impeccable source,  you can face-book both audio and visual story - you can tweet also both text and picture and vlog and blog - you can stream - you can actually do anything - all these at a press of a button, and as it all happens or in  real time.

 I love being part of this broadcasting hype even though the whole experience comes with its own challenges of the need to keep on verifying and double-checking the facts and accuracy of the information one gets as a high speed.  We are in the era of information ethics challenge, where almost everyone - journalist and audience have access to multi-media platforms and can write almost anything guided by responsibility and moral values as well as ethics.

In today's world, news makers can no longer really sweat to convince media houses for their stories to be covered even though the are mindful of the footprints of such media institutions - if their stories are not that newsworthy as per the usual rule 1 complemented by editorial stories, they go online and say it all right there - and some of the platforms like face-book do have a lot of followers which can also lead the story being shared, retweeted etc. The accuracy of the story and ethical issues can be a challenge, but yeah, I am sure such issues can always be managed, what is important is that there are not free platforms for those who life citizen or web journalism. Once again, thanks to the revolution of broadcasting especially here in Namibia.The advantages are more than the disadvantages, at least that's my view.

I thank those who gave me an opportunity to continue to do the service I love most - information dissemination to empower and grow the nation. And you know what, I did not realize that this is the month of it all, thanks to my LINKEDIN friends who through their congratulatory messages made me click that indeed, it has been 24 years already, almost 25 years - of Namibia's independence, but at 1990, that was the year the National Broadcaster was preparing to send some of Namibia's young journalists outside the country then to do journalism --- as our National University was only officially established in 1992 - still growing then to open doors of various faculties.

Disclaimer: All views expressed in this post are those of the author and has nothing to do with her employer. She expressed herself as a Namibian citizen and individual.


Thursday, 22 January 2015

The media used to be known as the watchdog - but with the citizen web journalism and web audience/followers, I think the media is also now being watched closely - just my personal view.

Ooh ooh, the social media is such an opportunity. It allows us especially in the media to immediately report on issues or communicate on news story leads and even contact our sources on the spot and even write our stories in real time.

But the challenge is - one has to always verify and test  the information we pick up from this platform for its correctness as part of our ethics in the industry. On the other hand the the web has now somehow neutralized the believe or tradition that the media is the watch dog. But with web citizen journalism and web audience nowadays - the media is also being closely watched on its reporting - facts, images, sound and all. I am speaking from a personal experience, whatever I write on my page is tested, almost on daily basis. Some connections on my page write openly while others opt to inbox me. Also, web followers make comments on what the media report on daily - and can even contest an issue right away - that one is almost tempted to respond on the spot - but this is also not that easy because official institutions like media houses have official channels for communication. This is what I am trying to say - I won't really go into the actual issues or case studies to substantiate this post, but yeah, I am basically highlighting the issue of media being watched by non official media web-users too.

This means the traditional way of testing information has now been widened as at times the person reported on is directly following the reports on the web and is able to go for the right of reply on the spot. And again whether to believe what he or she says is another challenge. Interested online users who are most of our times are also keeping an eye on what the media writes, also on what other individuals write. Mmmm, how interesting...each one, especially those who love to write are watching one another and comment on the content we put place on the related platforms.

Then there is also the issue of the opportunity created for everyone including the media to freely use the web - including journalists and media managers (including this post author etc) to also express their personal views on issues not related to what they necessarily do. But, that again can be seriously viewed by some others depending on their opinions and how they see issues - at times bordering on conflict of interest of near threat to media ethics.

It is such a challenge - as the issue of information ethics also slowly crops in. This whole issue is now compelling various web users to have some sorts of guidelines, or policies to help them manage some of their activities on using online platforms.

The information explosion on the web is not only a challenge for the media to manage, for those who have been following the hacking of information in the big set ups - governments and business will understand what I am saying - people stealing identity - or let me say information cloning... mmm, I will end her for now ... and probably come back to this subject later... the whole information revolution on the web is so exciting, but one just has to keep a cool head in handling this...

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Namibia on this year's Travel Plan? What is your Travel Plan?

Wow, Namibia mentioned as a travel destination on the BBC's TV Travel show a while ago (that show is still airing right now). It is even said that our country will mark its 25 years of independence so, it's thrilling. Indeed Namibia remains a jewel in many respects - tourism, democracy, media freedom with a great wealth of diversity among its nation and culture.That's BBC.

But, we must not wait to be told as to how great our country and its people are we have to learn to recognize our own value and worth...let's share those unique attributions with the young generation.

For those at home, you know already what you need to check out, so many tourism spots in your Mother Land. It is up to you to take that step, especially this year.

To the visitors, I am sure, you already know where to go, north, west, east, central and south, all sides are reach and dotted with travel spots, come and experience our heritage, it's not worth it hearing it from someone else, check it out yourself. The country's hospitality from its friendly people will ooze as soon as you set your foot in the Land of the Brave... I will withhold some information for now, giving you that feeling of curiosity to come over and see if what I am posting right now is worth it.

Namibia, our dreamland...know your Namibian dream.... May Namibia, My Pride.

I am a proud Namibia, oshili....ove (meaning and you)?

Succession planning and Succession Implementation at the work place.

 This note is not meant to target any particular work place, but it is a general thought, which can apply even at family level. It is also the post author's own view as an individual and concern Namibian who has observed this matter and commits to do something about it through information sharing.

I am proposing that each leader, manager, supervisor and even every worker or person my embrace succession planning and implementation. This means, one has to prepare for the next person or persons to be ready and competent in whatever way to take over when you will step down.

Most of the time, knowingly or unknowingly end up having a colleague who is retiring or at the age of about to retire in the section, department or company, but yet we say, there is no one
 to at least even fill the gap to be left by the person who is leaving.

The other strange phenomena I picked up is that when a person is retiring, that's when we ask him or her to stay on and apparently train the person to fill the gap he or she is leaving behind.

What have we been doing all the 12 months not to make appropriate arrangements to fill that gap. What don't we plan that at least even two years in advance instead of the last minute?

Really, we have to do something  if we have to improve on this matter. We have to tranfer and impart skills, and share information to empower others so that tomorrow when you are not there, the next person knows what was happening in your area or office.

I am sure if you personally commit to making a contributing in this regard, you will just be happy that you pioneered in your own way to make this matter the best ever in our country.

This also applies at the family level. You will find that a person is aging or getting weak physically but yet no other strong one or young person is prepared to take over. We have to learn to let go earlier to ensure that we remain with what we love most, because it will be preserved and sustained by the next person. Continuity and legacy can only work out well if we plan in advance...

It is said that each one of must actually ask what he or she can do for his or her country and not what the country can do for him or her. Now, you and me must start somewhere, even in our own small way. It can be at home, any set-up and even at work. We can get information to read about this subject and find ways how to contribute to its implementation where we are.

Remember to succession plan and implement.

Friday, 9 January 2015

It's a planting season, have you put your seeds in the soil in order to reap from what you saw? What about your mental seed in order to achieve your annual objectives?

Mmm, the planting season....?

Yes, it's the time of the year that many farmers work on their fields - in order to get food for the rest of the year.. this is so critical for those who live on land crops - especially in rural areas, but commercial farmers too are not excluded from this aspect.

While it is a physical planting season, it is also the time that each individual plants his or her objectives for the year in order to achieve some goals at the end of if. If one does not plan for some good results in the end, usually there is no harvest towards the end of the year.

Therefore, there are two ways to plant our seeds, the physical seeds that need to be sown, and the mental seeds which entail planning and implementation of our strategies in order to achieve our objetives.

The question therefore is, have you put your seeds in the soil in order to get your produce? The other question is, have you worked out your plan for the year, that is have you planted your mental seed for your mental strategies?

Yeah, I was just thinking and I thought I must share with you while the season is right -- no one must miss this planting season as the rain has already started to fall in some parts of our country - and not making use of this appropriate weather, soil and all can just end into - no harvest.....

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Writing Love --

I just love to write. I love to put those ideas on paper or have them buttoned on the computer to become text. At times I just get that drive, that insist that I have to put the ideas down as they flow via my thoughts... I get pressed to jot down the thoughts into sentences, paragraphs and then pages. Ye, it such a great feeing... whenever I do not write, I feel as if I am thirsty for something - not liquidish this time.. I feel as if I miss something, I feel as if something has to be done in order to feel normal again... sometimes I try to ignore that urge, but I have realized that ooh ooh, I can't live without writing.

Once I have written something, I feel so fulfilled, I feel satisfied and having accomplished my mission... it's not really what I write that matters at a particular time -- it is the expression of such thoughts that is key at a moment.... I seem no longer able to keep some thoughts and ideas as tacit only - I need to have these documented --- I do not write according to anyone's prescriptions or instructions, I just write as I see it fit as long as I ensure that my right ends where the others' right start and that I have to do so responsibly. I also know that everyone is equal before the law so there is no thinking of abusing the writing right.

With the evolving technology, I am so blessed as I can write down my ideas, and come back to them for fine tuning... I can write anywhere I find myself, as long as I have the internet and the necessary basic facilities to do so... I can face-book, I can tweet, I can instagram, I can blog and I can also vlog by lining up my story with images - or video... ooh, those who continue to improve technology have really made my life of the lives of my fellow authors easy ---.

We need to learn to write - and author -- that's the way to go - we have to contribute to the written word - even spoken via video...or just audio - this is so important for our history - at personal level, family, community and country levels. We have the energy, drive, and ability - why not make use of that?

Ooh, how I love writing -- I feel so peaceful, even now that I have jotted down some of the sentences in this post....enjoy.

2014 was so eventful for me personally, 2015 will even be so much better!

The universe kept on reminding to appreciate all the blessings of 2014 - and I respond by whispering that we had "a thanks giving evening"at home just before we ended the year to reflect on all great things that happened to us as individuals and as a family.

I a so grateful and actually cannot describe my profoundness in words.....

The universe again keeps on whispering to me that "2015 is your special year", the year is hinged with so much in store for me - at all levels, at home, work, community, country and global level. All I need to do is to re-emphasize the lined up blessings and the universe catalogue which is so large for all of us on earth will definitely have that ordered.

Thank you so much Lord for your grace - and generosity - and as per you the bible word, one only has to knock and he or she shall have the door opened - or ask and have one given.

Positivity and passion of what I do continue to flow through my veins each minute ... humility continues to ring a bell that we have to remain humble at all times. Knowing where I come from remains key as that directs me where I am going next. Respect and care --as well as growing others are my guiding leads.... and honour for my elders, parents and leaders will remain my pillars.

A discipline keeps on reminding in my head that as of now, I must not engage in arguments that will add no value to me as a person, my family, friends, work, community, country and the world ---I must only focus my energy on issues that will advance progress and development.

I am also reminded to always being there for others - hold their hands to come up to where I am and help them climb further than where I am am-- we have to grow others and our nation.

I am so grateful that 2015 and beyond look so promising for me - and that a lot is so lined up for me to accomplish, not for me as a person, but for my country and nation as well as the world.

I therefore welcome 2015 with both hands as I say good bye to 2014 in style and bowing my head while bending my knees at the same time.

"Namibia, a peaceful shine on a high hill" - nationals and visitors alike must treasure this trend

Yeah, they say, one tends not to appreciate his or her treasure or asset until that is taken away from him or her.

Also, at times, it is also not that easy to recognize the treasure or asset one has if that particular person has not seen those in need for similar assets/treasures.

As someone who continues to follow developments around the world - especially when it comes to peace and security, I always get so tempted to write posts of this nature, to remind fellow colleagues, friends and family as well as Namibians in general - mainly those who seem not to appreciate this aspect that - we have a treasure to jealously guard for.

Also, as someone who has had an opportunity to travel the world - I have also seen that peace is indeed is a prerequisite for development and therefore Namibians need to continue to nurture the peace they have now....

Our country is infact among those "peaceful shines"on a hill-top -- our stability and sovereignty remain so critical to each an every individual and visitors alike. We have to continue to really maintain that "beacon of peace and stability".

Yes, that peace and stability has not come about by itself, it is here because of your contribution to it, and for making sure that we maintain it, so congrats to your efforts too to make Namibia the country with the peace-shine...

You might be wondering as to how you contributed to that peace and strong political governance --- well, through your active participation in the national activities including the voting processes - in a peaceful manner and as per the set national and international voting and democracy standards.

Therefore, Namibians, let's keep our top spot when it comes to maintaining our security in the Land - including that of our neighbours. I just love it when I go to bed knowing that I can sleep peacefully (yes, apart from potential burglars  - which is a common happening in any country on earth), but I am not worried of any potential curfew or war somewhere -- in the part of Namibia, and that is why I am saying, that's really be happy of our treasure and asset we have -- the peace and stability treasure.

That treasure can be so costly once it is lost -- in terms of energy to restore it and material to do so ...

So, next time you hear or see someone trying to show suspected movements to disturb our national peace - I am sure you know who to contact, our law enforcement agencies -- enjoy the NAM-PEACE!

Using a "Selfie" as a pass-word or pin number. Wow, technologists around the world are really hard at work!

My brother likes to remind me that we must at all times avoid issues that will drag us back to "the stone age " as the rest of the word is busy with issues that will advance them further in various respects.... therefore any arguments we decide to engage in, must be constructive and advancing....

For those who have been watching international broadcasting channels these days, you will have definitely picked up information that the globe technologists leaders have been busy trying to find a secure way to manage one's information portfolios and pages.... finding the most appropriate way to access one's information from anywhere in the world...

The "selfie", which many of us learnt recently as a picture you take with your cellphone will now be used as a pass word ---have you even thought about that before that idea was announced this week?

 Using a "selfie"as a pass-word or pin-word/number as a way to improve security when it comes to accessing personal profiles or information portfolios? Wow, the world's ICT experts/technologists are really hard at work. Exciting moments indeed especially for techno-lovers like me - who likes to see new ideas coming afore --innovation, invention, strategies and all....!

Isn't this so encouraging and inspiring? -

The question that comes to mind is - what do you as an individual to to make a difference - in your life, that of your family, community and country? What are you doing with your great ideas, do you put them to good use or are you just holding them as tacit investment? Do you want to take those to the grave or would you rather share those with your country and the world and contribute to the improvement of mankind?

 I think we at home here in Namibia, especially the young brains must really ensure that we spend our time on issues that will advance us personally, our communities and country in various respects.

For 2015, I would like to challenge you that whatever argument you engage in, must be advancing - you have to ensure that you spend your time on issues that will improve progress....

 I just love technology and would ensure that I am updated when it comes to the latest techno especially for the facilities that shares information in real time... and whenever I hear any development in that regard, I just get so over the moon.....I mean, being a broadcaster, that's obvious .

Yes, I have known that with future passports, the individual's eye - in the form of an iris will be the identification or password in this case....and the reason is basically to minimize security risks which has also been a challenge as some expert hackers have also not been sleeping especially when it comes to information snooping....Yes, as much as the technologists continue to invent, the anti-technology are also working around the clock, but that is understood, we just have to keep on making use of the benefits and opportunities the techno advancement is bringing as that is worth focusing on compared to the challenges and risks thereof.

I do not want to really get into the nitty grieties of this subject, but i want to advise fellow Namibians, especially the youth and would-be ICT scientists that - we have to really spend our time on matters that will advance us personally, communities, and country.... while others are thinking deep on how to advance their countries IT-wise, we cannot afford to end up stuck in issues that will not really make a difference in our progress and development efforts.

Yeah, this post is basically aimed at stimulating your thoughts about how we in Namibia can also think about taking our Land of the Brave to high heights whether in ICT or in other areas, we have the brain power, we just need to put our mind to the strategy of doing so.