Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Using a "Selfie" as a pass-word or pin number. Wow, technologists around the world are really hard at work!

My brother likes to remind me that we must at all times avoid issues that will drag us back to "the stone age " as the rest of the word is busy with issues that will advance them further in various respects.... therefore any arguments we decide to engage in, must be constructive and advancing....

For those who have been watching international broadcasting channels these days, you will have definitely picked up information that the globe technologists leaders have been busy trying to find a secure way to manage one's information portfolios and pages.... finding the most appropriate way to access one's information from anywhere in the world...

The "selfie", which many of us learnt recently as a picture you take with your cellphone will now be used as a pass word ---have you even thought about that before that idea was announced this week?

 Using a "selfie"as a pass-word or pin-word/number as a way to improve security when it comes to accessing personal profiles or information portfolios? Wow, the world's ICT experts/technologists are really hard at work. Exciting moments indeed especially for techno-lovers like me - who likes to see new ideas coming afore --innovation, invention, strategies and all....!

Isn't this so encouraging and inspiring? -

The question that comes to mind is - what do you as an individual to to make a difference - in your life, that of your family, community and country? What are you doing with your great ideas, do you put them to good use or are you just holding them as tacit investment? Do you want to take those to the grave or would you rather share those with your country and the world and contribute to the improvement of mankind?

 I think we at home here in Namibia, especially the young brains must really ensure that we spend our time on issues that will advance us personally, our communities and country in various respects.

For 2015, I would like to challenge you that whatever argument you engage in, must be advancing - you have to ensure that you spend your time on issues that will improve progress....

 I just love technology and would ensure that I am updated when it comes to the latest techno especially for the facilities that shares information in real time... and whenever I hear any development in that regard, I just get so over the moon.....I mean, being a broadcaster, that's obvious .

Yes, I have known that with future passports, the individual's eye - in the form of an iris will be the identification or password in this case....and the reason is basically to minimize security risks which has also been a challenge as some expert hackers have also not been sleeping especially when it comes to information snooping....Yes, as much as the technologists continue to invent, the anti-technology are also working around the clock, but that is understood, we just have to keep on making use of the benefits and opportunities the techno advancement is bringing as that is worth focusing on compared to the challenges and risks thereof.

I do not want to really get into the nitty grieties of this subject, but i want to advise fellow Namibians, especially the youth and would-be ICT scientists that - we have to really spend our time on matters that will advance us personally, communities, and country.... while others are thinking deep on how to advance their countries IT-wise, we cannot afford to end up stuck in issues that will not really make a difference in our progress and development efforts.

Yeah, this post is basically aimed at stimulating your thoughts about how we in Namibia can also think about taking our Land of the Brave to high heights whether in ICT or in other areas, we have the brain power, we just need to put our mind to the strategy of doing so.

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