Sunday, 26 April 2015


Some Namibians are so good at criticizing and can do so for a full day, weeks, months and even years. But, you know what, they offer little or not solution at all.

I have observed with keen interest that some of us seem to be so over qualified in criticizing, at times not even understanding the subject or context of it, and while talking against the subject matter does not really matter, it is disheartening to know that those so loud about a particular issue have no option or alternative to it. There seem to be satisfaction of joining the bandwagon, and be part of groups, even if one has not carefully understood why the uprising or opposition to a particular subject matter.

This syndrome, which has not turned into a chronic disease for some has been contracted by many across the board, whether in a business, at community, family or friend level. And it is killing some parts of our fabric depending where that manifests itself. The worse thing is that - until you "click or get it", you might not realize that you are also in that trap.

Most of the time, an issue or a subject is raised, and quickly, a person jumps to it in opposition, but without even thinking or understanding the impact of what is meant and when you ask what the option could be or why even the objection, that person might not even given you the reasons why he or she is opposing that.

Yes, no one is expected to immediately or just say yes to something - infact he or she must first understand what is meant, and do some quick cost and benefit analysis or advantages versus advantages or something to that effect. At times we do not have background to what has been meant, but still we are the loudest in objecting but without offering a better solution.

I may also have been part of that group that might have blindly criticized some issues, but at least I am coming to my senses and have made it a point to always have an option to something I am thinking is not working - according to my views.

This post is therefore aimed at encouraging some of those who are at least open minded to pause and think about how they will assist situation next, by not only being the loudest in opposition but also be ready to offer solutions.

This is the only way we Namibians can minimize this disease of which many of its sufferers are not aware of yet -- some type of diagnoses need to be presented to them and treatment be prescribed that if you oppose something offer an alternative, otherwise, in the end, you have basically not made any worth contribution about from expressing you dislike.

Yeah, again this post is not aimed at a particular person, it is basically meant to contribute to making great input - as they do in the debating fora -- another speaker will saying something - and the opposite group will air its objection but with reasons.

And one does not necessarily need to agree to what is being said, but at least one has to respect the view of the other person - and that is said to be agree to disagree...

This post is important is so key mainly to young people who are leaders of now and beyond... one does not want to see a young one just criticizing or growing up just opposing issues but not offering alternative, as that is not a good example to fellow youth.

So, next time you criticize something, offer a solution and don't just talk for the sake of talking.... let's help one another - we are learning everyday - by sharing ideas... thanks

The author of this post has expressed the views as an individuals Namibian - and leader who is especially helping the youth to grow in various respects. This is advice-sharing - for those who need this, especially the young ones. Thanks for having taken a minute to scan through this post.


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