Sunday, 22 May 2016

Your Secretary today - can be your leader or your boss tomorrow - therefore, let's remember to treat one another fairly as there are equal opportunities in life - and nothing is permanent, apart from change,....

 I posted the next paragraph on my face book page three years back. And face-book administrators being so interesting and knows how to keep its clients engaged, it reminded me of the same post. To me, it is still so relevant and that is why I am re-posting it.

"We have to always respect the next person and treat him or her with dignity - just as we would like to be treated. Also, your secretary today can be your boss tomorrow. Or the person you despise, demonize and undermine today can be your boss, PS, Deputy Minister, Minister, PM or even your President tomorrow. Therefore, we have to be mindful of what we are doing because of our being, stand, position, authority, power, wealth, links, associations, education we have or posses today - because no one knows what tomorrow holds for you or the next person. Remember, nothing is permanent, only change is permanent."

Life is so valuable....and every person, irrespective of that person's situation now stands an equal chance to become a new person in various capacities, at leadership level, and in any respect. Each person is naturally and humanely rich and has so much to offer. The challenge sometimes is that, we are not close to a particular person to fully understand the values he or she can contribute or how that particular person can be assisted or guided, or actually how that person can assist and guide you.
It's like knowing your child today - as a child, but tomorrow, that child can be your leader, your CEO, your Director, your Minister, your President, your Board Chairperson, your Boss. Therefore, the person we might disrespect today or disregard because of our standing might be your Guide tomorrow, in so many ways.

And I have always learnt to make it a point not to unfairly treat a fellow human being today or tomorrow - and if in anyway I might have come across that way, it was never my intention and i will always regret that.

Let's always make it a point to be fair towards the next person, even your child - sister, brother, mother, father, friend, colleagues, employee or even employer or just any other person -- that is because life is interesting and changes continuously. You do not want to carry a burden of unnecessary regret because you have been knowingly tripping other human beings for self-gain - and trying to down - rate and down grade others -- life is so funny -- tomorrow, you could be sitting in exactly a similar situation ----

We have love that transcends all understandings, why not use that when situations might get tough? If we clinch to love, I am sure we will not go wrong...again, the person you might under-rate today has the capacity to be your leader tomorrow ....and that starts with your own child, just remember, you would not want to be treated unfairly either, and if that is the case, why do you do that to the next person....enjoy the rest of the Sunday.

Again, the message in this post is usually aimed at those who might need that contribution, especially the young ones - as we must care for those who need our input and guidance... it is not aimed a particular individual or so - it is basically a thought I got which could mean something to one or two of my young face book friends on this platform.

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