Sunday, 3 December 2017

The African Dream will only be realized by the African Leadership themselves. Have you viewed the clip by the President of Ghana during his talks with his counterpart from France?

Well, I am not going to say much on this page, it will be great if you can first make time to watch the video clip of His Excellency Nana Kufuo-Addo (it is also on my face book page). He actually highlights that fact that the change we need to see in Africa is in the hands of the Africans themselves.

He said the Africans and especially the leadership must create conditions - conducive environment for the young Africans - to remain in their countries and on the continent. And until that happens, many of our young people will continue to go look for better opportunities elsewhere. Also, it was high time that that change was done without necessarily charity from international partners. Africa has resources both Human and other others, and these must just be properly prioritized and channelled to the right areas to bring about that change - whether it is politically, socially, economically or otherwise.

This message can actually be applied at so many levels - at home, community, business and individual countries.

In Namibia for example, also like in other countries, we have experienced people moving from rural areas to urban centres? What could be the main reason? They are in search for greener pastures that are not available in their own set ups? Who is going to change such conditions for them, it is us, it is the leadership and nobody else.

In a business set up for example, it's the same, we have to create opportunities for our colleagues, to grow them and create conducive environments for them to get the sense of belonging and stimulate high productivity. Who is supposed to do this, it is us again, the leadership of that business must take the lead, we cannot wait for the person outside, to come and do it for it, it is the best way to make workers appreciate their contribution and output to the business.

At the country level, this is the same - how do you ensure that your nationals only leave their own mother land when they feel that it is time to contribute to the rest of the African region or beyond? And that can only happen if the opportunities allow - when to you ensure that your young ones to do escape at times through difficult means in search of opportunities elsewhere - just to end up in hardship - we hear of the alleged slave trade -and action in Libya right now - and of so many migration related activities - what are the causes, and how can we as Africans together with the affected countries - some trying to assist the situation as these are fellow Africans - to improve opportunities for our nationals and Africans in General.

Most of the time, we talk of the American Dream? Where is the African Dream, the Namibian Dream (I have in one of my blog post referred to what could become a Namibian Dream - just an effort from my side as it begins with me), and all the dreams from our countries?

Who is going to ensure that our young ones embrace our countries national dreams and also attract other people to come and live our countries dreams? It is us - the leadership at various levels and nobody else? Until such time we change to create opportunities for our people - and make our nationals stay in our own countries or on the continent, enjoying the prosperity we created for them - we will still face the challenges of the new oppression in different forms.

The same can also be applied at family levels - we have to create such conditions for our family members - and especially the young people - it might not be easy, but we have to start somewhere. We might even fall as we try to do so, but once we are up - we just need to dust ourselves off and continue.

The future of our families, businesses, communities, nationals and countries and continent and even the world as we cannot live in isolation is in our hands, and that change starts with us.

Writing is my passion - but don't ask me what I write about, smile

I just love writing. Putting my thoughts down has been my passion even when I seem not to have been aware of it. At time, and mostly because of my work, I realized that I neglect this passion, but it automatically comes - and pushes me to the edge.

I don't know how to call that feeling of just wanting to jot down the thought, positive and inspiring thoughts especially for young people. When you are feeling like drinking water, we call that thirst, or you are thirsty (wa fya enota in my language), and when you are feeling like eating food we say you are hungry (wafya ondjala). But, when I feel like writing - I am trying to find that word, what is it called? And when I have satisfied that feeling, what will I call it? If I am thirsty and I drink water, I say, I have quenched my thirst, and when I feel like jotting down my thoughts, what will I call that passion and when I have satisfied that need?

Yeah, I find so much solace, satisfaction, relaxation, contribution to the followers or readers and so much support to my Ubuntu once I do this. I am also a poet and I love that colour writing and comparative expression in the form of poetry especially in Oshiwambo.

Well, I also love reading - although my work at times keeps me so busy - and actually also demands me to read - for business, I love reading also as part of my bigger being, part of that passion of writing and reading.

That is why I love it so much that we have technology that enables us to actually write at anytime - and to any audience across the globe. This passion has earned me followers almost anywhere on the planet, and that just feeds my passion further.

There is no best gift as the writing passion, I am yet to understand how it really developed.I just love it to the moon and back.

Thank you for having scanned through this post.

My success is in my own hands. I do not need to blame anyone for my current status. I guess this also applies to you.

Well, it takes a mind to clearly understand that my personal and your personal success is clearly in your own hands. It is you who must know what you would like to achieve - whether it is getting a job, a house, a car, a friendship, a degree, a healthy life as in fitness, the best ever boy or girl friend or husband or wife and the list continues.

It is you who will have to stand up and say, today, I would like to keep my hair clean daily or weekly. I would like to be dressed for success and I would like to stop arguing or fighting about things that do not add value in my life. It is you who must take that decision to say, I have drunk enough alcohol, and today, I would like to start a new life or I have been living a life which is not worth it, gossiping or just walk around for no reason and the list continues.

Yes, many things might have happened to you - you might have been seen the worse in life, e.g. you might have been raped, or lied too, or survived ordeals that we cannot talk about here, you might be that girl that almost committed suicide or almost baby dumped your first born - or the boy who was in jail innocently or rightly so - you might be that gent who committed all those crimes - stole other people's assets they worked for so hard and the list can continue.

 If you tell yourself today, that indeed you would like to start a new life, you can do it. Tell yourself that you would like to start a small garden in your back yard and plant some veggies for the family and you to eat healthily or just to start raking your yard to be the cleanest or start to wash the cars at home to look neat or start to cook for the family or do the dishes as a way to contribute to chores at home - or just clean the house or visiting pensioners to help them clean their area - or find a job - that will contribute to the income at home- or starting to visit your child that you might have neglected for long or a girl friend or boy friend, wife or husband or just a family member- you will surely see the change in you, the change that you yourself will have brought about. And the change you would like to see.

Sometimes, we blame our current status on what happened to us - yes, at times situations might have battered us so hard, they might have pushed us to the ground, but as soon as we have regained the energy to stand up - dust off that sand and be on our feet again, that's when we must continue pushing further for a new us.

It is you who can change your life and nobody else - not your friend, or your mom or dad, yes they can assist you do so, but the biggest step starts with you - you must be willing to move ahead as a new person - and you will just love it.

For those who are still young and full of energy - you can even pick up your academic pieces, go back to school, register on line and upgrade your qualifications in the area you would like to venture - vocational training centres are now highly recognized - and you could be the person they have been waiting for - spend you time on matters that add value to your life. You will love it so much.

It's never too late at all for you to change today - it is all up to you - and some of us will be there to support your new you - and celebrate with you as you move forward as a completely changed person.

Just remember, it starts with you. Be above what happened to you - yes, you can forgive and not forget, but when it comes to your own personal progress, advancement and success, all those are in your own hands.

Thank you for having made time to read this post. I am humbled that you at least think about doing something about your life, starting today, especially if you are young because as a current and future leader, you must have some backing in terms of your own success - at all levels - integrity, responsibility, hard working - and the list continues. Good luck.

Saturday, 2 December 2017

"Deliberate Misrepresetation of Facts and Context or Picture" or Fake News - keeping the media industry on its toes!

"Fake News" has been on the block, but many of us (probably including you reading this blog) might not have taken that seriously.

 It has been in the vocabulary of some, but whenever someone referred to "Fake news" one would innocently or unknowingly regard it as some-type of humour or joke.

But, I am writing this post to say, fake news is real, and has become an added responsibility for many to grapple with, not only in the media industry, but among the general public and actually anywhere else.
The fabrication of information - photo-shopping and all related creativity to twist the content of a particular situation or story has become a head-ache for money, not only in the media industry, but also for the person on the street.

The misrepresentation and twisting of facts of a particular situation or event at times knowingly or deliberately or just because of ignorance and chance-taking is referred to as fake news.

I am sure you have seen a picture which has been "doctored" or salted & peppered to give it a new taste, look and feel - and meaning to suit the interest of the person wrongly altering it.

You have seen WhatssAp messages "fine-tuned" and decorated to make them look as it those are from a particular person, with his or her number or mobile phone details and all that suits the person behind the stream of creating falsehood.

You have seen information circulating on various face book pages, WhatssAp groups, email addresses, twitter and instagram portraying certain details which even shock those who are said to have done certain things in those messages.

And nowadays, we hear the audio messages shared - by many - with incorrect information about things, places or people - (I am not talking about those recorded - at times with owners' permissions but those that are deliberated twisted to create confusion about a particular person, family or business and whatever the targeted point is.

Technology has further extended some risk information through what is called spoofing, whereby a person can e.g. call someone using his or her phone but the picture on the phone could be on someone else and the rest of the details could also show as if indeed the person whose identify is stolen via the call is real. It's really so hectic.

And we have also seen that a times on our face book pages, a person can still the information and write or post something on your page which may be nasty and be portrayed as if that was from you.

And even banks at times warn people of some information which is purported to have come from them - but that is indeed fake news. There are many examples that I can refer to about what is referred to as fake news including competitions or prizes that are reportedly won by some people and that those must first contact particular people with personal details - which in this case border on crime and conmen-hood.

These untrue messages and puzzling information sent via various multi-media platforms are scary - and if you do not keep an open mind, can result you ending up fighting or arguing with even your own family because some information could be aimed at destroying your family or any relationship.

Although for those in the media, testing the information for its authenticity has been a must, it has become even more compelling to verify every piece of information landing on your table. Before you check that with the credible source, that piece of information will have to be on the "shelve" or on the "fake-news clearance list" before it can be allocated.

This development has created such a hype among newsrooms, families and groups of friends and communities and even countries and the world. Nowadays, if a person receives any news item, the first thing that comes to mind is, it this fake news? Has the information been tested? Who is the source, how credible is that source?

Fake News has infact keep many of us on our toes, and whenever any piece of information come our way, we first have to have it quarantined via fake news clearance list before it can be signed off.

All of us have to be on alert - including our children at home, we have to create awareness amongst them to be on the look out of doctored information as it can be so dangerous and poisonous. It destroys people's reputation, integrity and honesty. And by the time you realized that indeed that was fake news - then it is too late although one can still correct it later.

Yeah, I just thought I must share this with you - because non of us are immune from this challenging act of faking news. Today it might be me, but tomorrow, it could be you too.

Let's all unite against fake news with the aim to kick out this evil amongst our communities and country at large.

Say No to Fake News, Say No to FAKING NEWS. It starts with me and you.