Saturday, 2 December 2017

"Deliberate Misrepresetation of Facts and Context or Picture" or Fake News - keeping the media industry on its toes!

"Fake News" has been on the block, but many of us (probably including you reading this blog) might not have taken that seriously.

 It has been in the vocabulary of some, but whenever someone referred to "Fake news" one would innocently or unknowingly regard it as some-type of humour or joke.

But, I am writing this post to say, fake news is real, and has become an added responsibility for many to grapple with, not only in the media industry, but among the general public and actually anywhere else.
The fabrication of information - photo-shopping and all related creativity to twist the content of a particular situation or story has become a head-ache for money, not only in the media industry, but also for the person on the street.

The misrepresentation and twisting of facts of a particular situation or event at times knowingly or deliberately or just because of ignorance and chance-taking is referred to as fake news.

I am sure you have seen a picture which has been "doctored" or salted & peppered to give it a new taste, look and feel - and meaning to suit the interest of the person wrongly altering it.

You have seen WhatssAp messages "fine-tuned" and decorated to make them look as it those are from a particular person, with his or her number or mobile phone details and all that suits the person behind the stream of creating falsehood.

You have seen information circulating on various face book pages, WhatssAp groups, email addresses, twitter and instagram portraying certain details which even shock those who are said to have done certain things in those messages.

And nowadays, we hear the audio messages shared - by many - with incorrect information about things, places or people - (I am not talking about those recorded - at times with owners' permissions but those that are deliberated twisted to create confusion about a particular person, family or business and whatever the targeted point is.

Technology has further extended some risk information through what is called spoofing, whereby a person can e.g. call someone using his or her phone but the picture on the phone could be on someone else and the rest of the details could also show as if indeed the person whose identify is stolen via the call is real. It's really so hectic.

And we have also seen that a times on our face book pages, a person can still the information and write or post something on your page which may be nasty and be portrayed as if that was from you.

And even banks at times warn people of some information which is purported to have come from them - but that is indeed fake news. There are many examples that I can refer to about what is referred to as fake news including competitions or prizes that are reportedly won by some people and that those must first contact particular people with personal details - which in this case border on crime and conmen-hood.

These untrue messages and puzzling information sent via various multi-media platforms are scary - and if you do not keep an open mind, can result you ending up fighting or arguing with even your own family because some information could be aimed at destroying your family or any relationship.

Although for those in the media, testing the information for its authenticity has been a must, it has become even more compelling to verify every piece of information landing on your table. Before you check that with the credible source, that piece of information will have to be on the "shelve" or on the "fake-news clearance list" before it can be allocated.

This development has created such a hype among newsrooms, families and groups of friends and communities and even countries and the world. Nowadays, if a person receives any news item, the first thing that comes to mind is, it this fake news? Has the information been tested? Who is the source, how credible is that source?

Fake News has infact keep many of us on our toes, and whenever any piece of information come our way, we first have to have it quarantined via fake news clearance list before it can be signed off.

All of us have to be on alert - including our children at home, we have to create awareness amongst them to be on the look out of doctored information as it can be so dangerous and poisonous. It destroys people's reputation, integrity and honesty. And by the time you realized that indeed that was fake news - then it is too late although one can still correct it later.

Yeah, I just thought I must share this with you - because non of us are immune from this challenging act of faking news. Today it might be me, but tomorrow, it could be you too.

Let's all unite against fake news with the aim to kick out this evil amongst our communities and country at large.

Say No to Fake News, Say No to FAKING NEWS. It starts with me and you.

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