Thursday, 30 December 2021

EMAS Business School - DBA Student's support towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - with focus of SDG Number 5 - Gender Equality

My question today is, what are you as the reader of this post doing to contributes towards gender equality in your own environment, at home, at work, at church, at school, in your community, in your country, in your region as in SADC, in Africa and the World? I am asking this question because each baby steps to realize this noble goal of gender equality will subsequently contribute to the overall outcome of the targeted measure.

From my side, as an EMAS Business School DBA student, I am contributing to the UN SDG or Global Goal number 5 - that of Gender Equality by furthering it through information sharing and the need for a call to action by us call. This may also be a baby step contribution, but eventually, one or two people who may ready this post may hopefully make it happen. We have a moral responsiblity towards achieving all UN SDG goals, but for the purposes of this article, the Gender Equality Goal.

 It's a standing rule when writing these related reports  that the author as an EMAS Business School Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) student,has to first affairm and pledge her support towards the promotion of the United Nations Development Goals. And through my varsity, the EMAS Businses School, I have become a staunch promoter of the UN SDGs.

This inspiration and initiative to publically support the UN Sustainable Development Goals, SDG's is the brain child of the EMAS Business School with its Headquarters in Moscow, Russia, but with a number of partnership linkages world-wide. The school, through its community, and mainly its students is therefore spreading good will in the world through the amplification of the significance of embracing the SDGs acroos the planet for common good.

As the EMAS Business School DBA Student, this is my fourth report on the support of the UN SDG's efforts since the School implemented this initiative as part of the students'social ranking activities in October 2021. The aim of this report is to amongst others enforce the agenda on the UN development goals as inspired by my school.

The first report posted on 12 October 2021 highlighted the importance of promoting the UN SDGs by EMAS Business School students. The second report published on 20th October 2021 as initialy hinted, highlighted the 17 UN SDGs, with the aim to further create awareness about this noble initative. The focus of the 2nd report focused more on the  listing of 17 UN SDGs just to create awareness on the individual SDGs which will be unpacked in due course.

The third report (13 November 2021)  focused on SDG-1, which is No Poverty. The fourth report (30th Dec 2021) is foucsing on Gender Equality, which is UN  SDG or Global Goal number 5.To get a formal definition of what Gender Equality entails, i google it and got a clear international  understanding what Wikipedia would refer to this particular goal versus my own local understand of the same goal. Below is the definition i lifted from Wikepedia on the call of the sustainable development goal and what it stands for.

".Gender equality, also known as sexual equality or equality of the sexes, is the state of equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender, including economic participation and decision-making; and the state of valuing different behaviors, aspirations and needs equally, regardless of gender.
Gender equality

Gender equality is the goal, while gender neutrality and gender equity are practices and ways of thinking that help in achieving the goal. Gender parity, which is used to measure gender balance in a given situation, can aid in achieving gender equality but is not the goal in and of itself. Gender equality is more than equal representation, it is strongly tied to women's rights, and often requires policy changes. As of 2017, the global movement for gender equality has not incorporated the proposition of genders besides women and men, or gender identities outside of the gender binary.

UNICEF says gender equality "means that women and men, and girls and boys, enjoy the same rights, resources, opportunities and protections. It does not require that girls and boys, or women and men, be the same, or that they be treated exactly alike. Wikipedia"

Below is also some information I lifted from the UN SDGs platform just to help us further understand what is expected of nations on this particular goal efforts to make it a reality.

Sustainable Development Goal 5 (SDG 5 or Global Goal 5) concerns gender equality and is fifth of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2015. The official wording of SDG 5 is "Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls".[1] Progress towards targets is measured by indicators. The 17 SDGs recognize that action in one area will affect outcomes in others, and that development must balance socialeconomic and environmental sustainability. A system thinking approach is the base for global sustainability.[2]

SDG 5 has nine targets and 14 indicators. Six of the targets are "outcome-oriented": ending all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere; ending violence and exploitation of women and girls; eliminating harmful practices such as child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation; increasing value of unpaid care and promoting shared domestic responsibilities; ensuring full participation of women in leadership and decision-making; and ensuring access to universal reproductive rights and health. The three "means of achieving" targets are: fostering equal rights to economic resources, property ownership and financial services for women; promoting empowerment of women through technology; and adopting, strengthening policies and enforcing legislation for gender equality.[3]

Through the pledge to "Leave No One Behind", countries have committed to fast-track progress for those furthest behind, first.[4]: 54  SDG 5 aims to grant women and girls equal rights, opportunities to live free without discrimination including workplace discrimination or any violence. This is to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected women as they are more vulnerable and have reduced access to treatment.[5] Evidence shows there has been an increase in violence against women during the pandemic.[6]

Let's adopt the attitude of not waiting for the next person or our governments or civil societis or any other organized bodies to do something to advance gender equality, - but start to act now. your action will mean so much for your community in terms of bringing the change that we all need in terms of gender parity and related set targets..

I thefore, thank my Business School, EMAS for having introduced this initiative of supporting the UN SDGs among students and graduates and its partners. Let's support the successful implementation of UN SDGs in our own communities and countries, it's our own responsibility. No one else will advance gender equality in our own houselds, but you and me. Yes, government and other international organization or non-profit making institutions can come on board, but that should be a plus - such help can already find us on the way.

As a way to remind you the reader of the 17 UN SDGs, I am again sharing those as lifted from the Wikipedia page.

(1) No Poverty, (2) Zero Hunger, (3) Good Health and Well-being, (4) Quality Education, (5) Gender Equality, (6) Clean Water and Sanitation, (7) Affordable and Clean Energy, (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, (10) Reducing Inequality, (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities, (12) Responsible Consumption and Production, (13) Climate Action, (14) Life Below Water, (15) Life On Land, (16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, (17) Partnerships for the Goals

Author: Menesiah N Muinjo

EMAS Busines School DBA student

Disclaimer: This piece has been written as part of my EMAS Business School DBA students educational actities regulation orders.

Sunday, 28 November 2021

The EMAS Business School demands its community to adhere to a zero-tolerance policy for the manifestation of any discrimination, corruption, fraud, dishonesty and dishonset play in business and life.

 November 2021 will be the historic month and period for EMAS Business School in Moscow, Russia and at all its paratner international partners around the world during which amongst others the leaders of the school  introduced Code of Ethical Behaviour for all its community, students, graduates, teachers, guest lecturers consultants, employeees and related partners.  

Managing human behaviour in general and sustaining such behaviour in a sort of standardized and acceptable culture is probably one of the challenging tasks an international institution such as the EMAS Business Schoolf can manage. This task can even be more challenging considering that the EMAS Business School - consists of  different 70 nationalities and managing over 400 students from diverse background and different national legislations. 

As readers of this post may know, many countries including my own, Namibia are grappling with reported high profile cases of perceived fraud, corruption or just of pure dishonesty including cases that are currently before high court in Namibia dubbed Fishrot which include former Ministers of Fisheries and Justice and other senior of officials of State Owned Enterprises. Infact the bail hearing of the former minister of fisheries will be in High Court on Monday, 29th November 2021 a few hours from now -(as I am writing this report).  I am mentioning the Namibian Fishrot Case conscious of the fact that one is guilty until proven guilty. But, since there are charges of perceived corruption and dishonesty I am referring to that case. But, generally, issues of personal integrity and reputational guarding are not that easy to manage, both at personal and business level - inclding at academic level too.

This probably explains why the school introduced a Code of Ethical Behaviour which had to be adhered to by the EMAS Business School family in an attempt to remind the EMAS Business School family to conduct themselves in a manner that does not put the varsity in disrepute or discriminate fellow school family members on the basis of their creed, coloour, culture or skin as well as religion. 

The Code of Ethical Conduct does  therefore not only contain academic integrity, honesty and related behaviour such as avoiding issues of plagiarism, respecting intellectual property - it also refers to the values and ideals which ae not less important than the most advanced knowledge according to the EMAS Business School Rector in his message that is included in the Code of Ethics.

EMAS Business School Rector, Andrey Kolyada states that, "each of us has a personal responsibility to protech th reputation of EMAS. Everyone can strengthen it or conversely discredit it because we live in an age when the actions of each person matters and can change th world. An axiom that does not require proof is the fact that we must all adhere to a zero-tolerance policy for th manifestation of any discrimination, corruption, fraud, dishonesty and dishonest pay in business and life. In order to codify our values and worldviewe, we have adopted the Code of Ethics (herinafter- the Code), which covers the minimum basic standards of ethics and core values which each of us must adhere to in all circumstances. It should and nothing else-if we want to consider ourselves a part of a single EMAS family . The education and educational institution in which a person once studies is a story for his entire life".

Clause number 4 of the Code of Ethics deals with the compliance with the laws of Russia and other countries. The Code states that the EMAS Business School is governed by a number of national and international laws and regulations and that most of the standards established by the Code are based on legal requirements. The Code therefore hints that it is necessary to understand that non-compliance with the lawa can lead to serious consequences both legal and reputational terms. All employees, faculty, students, graduates and partners of EMAS must therefore comply with the law including but not limited to:

  • Tax law
  • Occupational Safety and Health
  • Labour Relations
  • Environmental protection and protection of wildlife
  • Antimonopoly legislation
  • Anti-Corruption legislation 
On the highlighted values, the Code of Ethics points out the need for the Love for the Motherland, (Russia for Russians and citizens of other countries for their countries), not only in words but also in deeds, by our actions providing belief that our countries and peeople deserve all the best. On mutual respect, the Code highlights that the EMAS Business School family members must value each othr and representatives of all partis intersted  in our activities such as our students, graduates, employees, teachers and partners. It says that we owe our success to corporate culture of diversity and an equal playing field in which everyone knows he or she has the opportunity to unleash his or her talent, thrive and reach his or her reach potential. It also touches on issues of responsibility - saying wee have a sense of responsibilit that is inherent in mature adults. And that we take responsibility of our own activitis, decisions and actions and for the overall impact of our work on society.

 It clearly stipulates issues of honesty and decency, cheerfulness and positivity, curiousity and inquisitiveness and quality of education. It then referred to human rights and qual rights and opportunities, respect for people and friendliness and academic business honesty and intetrity such as cheating, plagiarism, infringement of copyright and intellectual property, presenting work for one course or module as for another coursee or module, creation without consent of EMAS of closed communitis and groups in all forms (channels, chats, groups in social networks, etc) whose existence is ensured by using the resources and activities of EMAS, business dishonesty, data falsification, unfair coopeeration, unjustified criticism, revenge for academic performance assessement. It touches on the responsibility of staff and teachers of the business school such as the academic freedom, adequate self-esteem and self -irony, honesty and decenty in this regard, mutual rspect, support and cooperation and maintaining the high status of an employee and tacher. The protection of EMAS Business School assets  - alerting the school community that it is forbiddent to use the assets and resources of EMAS to commit any illegal or unethical actions. 

Confidentiality among EMAS Business School is critical and it is the community's duty to protect the commercial and other secrets of EMAS, the secrets of our business partners, the prsonal data of our students, graduates, employees and teachers, awe well as the protection of confidential businss information that becomes known to us in the course of our activities. The Code confirms that disclosure of this information in an inappropriate manner may adversely affect the competitiveness of EMAS, entails economic damage and loss of trust of the members of the EMAS Community to each other. This also applies to Communication and public relations - and states that EMAS activity participates in open discussions, cooperations with various organizations in the implemetionation of initatives that are beneficial to society and also offers its experience to develop appropriate business and other solutions when appropriate. In other words, EMAS strives to contribute to the movemnt of society towards sustainable development.

On the Compliance of the Code, the policy guidelines state that every membr of the EMAS Bsuiness School is obliged to comply with the requiremnt of the Code. It says we are all responsible for preventing potential violations and reporting them in a manner using available ecommunication channels. The Code also warns against transmission of false messages which it says is prohibited. The Code ends with clear instructions that state that appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against violators of the Code.

This post has been authored as part of my EMAS Business School Studies - which require students to promote school activities and related social events. 29 Nov 2021

Sunday, 14 November 2021

EMAS Business School - United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Report 3 on Poverty Eradictation by an EMAS DBA Student

It's a standing rule when writing these related reports  that the author as an EMAS Business School Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) student,has to first affairm and pledge her support towards the promotion of the United Nations Development Goals.
This inspiration and initiative to publically support the UN Sustainable Development Goals, SDG's is the brain child of the EMAS Business School with its Headquarters in Moscow, Russia, but with a number of partnership linkages world-wide. The school, through its community, and mainly its students is therefore spreading good will in the world through the amplification of the significance of embracing the SDGs acroos the planet for common good.
As the EMAS Business School DBA Student, this is my third report on the support of the UN SDG's efforts since the School implemented this initiative as part of the students'social ranking activities in October 2021. The aim of this report is to amongst others enforce the agenda on the UN development goals as inspired by my school.

The first report posted on 12 October 2021 highlighted the importance of promoting the UN SDGs by EMAS Business School students. The second report published on 20th October 2021 as initialy hinted, highlighted the 17 UN SDGs, with the aim to further create awareness about this noble initative. The focus of the 2nd report focused more on the  listing of 17 UN SDGs just to create awareness on the individual SDGs which will be unpacked in due course.

This third report (13 November 2021) will focus on SDG-1, which is No Poverty. The author will briefly unpack what the SDG-1 means and why it is critical for countries to esure that they abide by the UN Guidelines on SDG-Number-1.

Before I could write any of my own views about UN SDG-1, i first had to google it and get a clear international  undrstanding what Wikipedia would refer to this particular goal versus my own local undrstand of the same goal.

Below is the definition i lifted from Wikepedia on the call of the sustainable development goal and what it stands for.

"Sustainable Development Goal 1, one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2015, calls for the end of poverty in all forms. The official wording is: "No Poverty". Wikipedia"

Another defnition I came across through my googling efforts on the internet, mainly from the UN Development Goals page states that:

"The SDGs are a bold commitment to finish what we started, and end poverty in all forms and dimensions by 2030. ... This involves targeting the most vulnerable, increasing basic resources and services, and supporting communities affected by conflict and climate-related disasters"

Below is another valuable explanation just to create some understanding before we can commend on why each one of us must act accordingly to end poverty.

"Goal 1 Targets: 1.1 By 2030, eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere, currently measured as people living on less than $1.25 a day. 1.2 By 2030, reduce at least by half the proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions according to national definitions."

Another detailed  and straight and to the point explanation why it is important for your and me to act now and end poverty is the one below which I lifted from the UN Sustainable Development Goals copyrighted -page (today, 13 November 2021 on SDG-1): 

"Globally, the number of people living in extreme poverty declined from 36 per cent in 1990 to 10 per cent in 2015. But the pace of change is decelerating and the COVID-19 crisis risks reversing decades of progress in the fight against poverty. New research published by the UNU World Institute for Development Economics Research warns that the economic fallout from the global pandemic could increase global poverty by as much as half a billion people, or 8% of the total human population. This would be the first time that poverty has increased globally in thirty years, since 1990.

More than 700 million people, or 10 per cent of the world population, still live in extreme poverty today, struggling to fulfil the most basic needs like health, education, and access to water and sanitation, to name a few. The majority of people living on less than $1.90 a day live in sub-Saharan Africa. Worldwide, the poverty rate in rural areas is 17.2 per cent—more than three times higher than in urban areas. 

For those who work, having a job does not guarantee a decent living. In fact, 8 per cent of employed workers and their families worldwide lived in extreme poverty in 2018. One out of five children live in extreme poverty. Ensuring social protection for all children and other vulnerable groups is critical to reduce poverty."

After having read through the explanations or definitions from the UN Sustainable Development Goals, it has become obvious why I am supporting these goals and specificallfy goal number 1. One out of 5 children live in extreme poverty!!!! Does that ring a bell? How many children in your country are roaming the streets? How many are without access to portable water and sanitation? How many have no access to health, not to meantion access to free health? How many children in your community do go to bed on a hungry tummy? The information shared earlier in this report hints that a person survives on U$1.90 a day in Sub-Saharan Africa. How much is that less than two U$ dollars if you convert it in your country's national currency. Can it buy a 10kg bag of maize? Can it buy 2kg sugar? Can it buy a loaf of break or cooking oil? Can it pay for pre-paid water and usage of the toilets per day - and air time to call a family member or friend in terms of emergency e.g. somebody bitten by a snake or a woman about to give birth especially at night when taxis (cabs/ubers) are not easily available on the road?

Do you encourage people to plant and have a small garden during the rainy season so that they can have potatoes, spinach and related relish or have fruit trees to support their diet? Do you encourage families that have access to water to also grow some veggies and team up with those in extreme poverty to come assist and get some produce in return as a work to eat from their own sweat and hard work? I am just mentioning about small practical things that can be done that come to mind? Do you buy some tomatoe seeds or cabbage seeds even if it its only two packs to share with the community members who need them most as your small contribution towards food secuity in your area?

That's why I am saying, this poverty issue is not abstract and neither is it international or needs international gathering to solve especially when it comes to communities and in our homes. The answer is with us as members of the communities and household leaders?

What can you and I do to contribute to the reduction of the total number of the 7 000 million people (which is 10 percent of the entire world popoulation (7 billion) who are currently living in extreme poverty and struggling to have access to education, water and sanitation as well as health services? Are we able to teach our communities and especially our children some hints to helep reduce poverty even going forward? For how long are we going to remain with poverty at our door steps?

I am aware that each person needs resources to address this challenge. But, are there some minor but significant efforts we can make to help feed that one of of five children who is hungry and lives in extreme poverty. Is there a child in your surrounding who needs to attend school but has not school fees, school uniforms, food to go to school with, dormitories or lodgiing fees or water and sanitation fees as well as medical aid cost? Can you build a small house for that child and family to live in? I am saying this because my family built a brick house for a family of almost ten people whose dad has been assisting our family with some domestic work at the country side. My family also assisted with the construction of the farm road of about 10 km from the main road to the village and now and then helped to grade it although this has not been an easy task. My family also extended the farm road feeder to other villages as a way to create access to various services in and around the districts where we live. I am sure each one of us can take a small step in our own way and as it fits a particular person or family to contribute towards poverty eradication. 

Let's start now, it is your action including mine that will contribute to eradicating poverty. I do not need to blame another person or my government or international community or the UN for not eradicating poverty because it has to start in my backyard. They say charity starts at home - although I am clear that this call to action is not a charitable action, but a serios effort that has to be sustained before 2030. We are in 2021, meaning we have 9 years to the deadlines, but the information I lifted from the UN page on SDGs referred to the fact that although from 1990, poverty record decreased from 36% to 10% in 2015, the process to further reduce it has become slow, mainly because of the impact of COVID-19 on the various countries' economies.

   I thefore, thank my Business School, EMAS for having introduced this initiative of supporting the UN SDGs among students and graduates and its partners. Let's support the successful implementation of UN SDGs in our own communities and countries, it's our own responsibility. No one else will eradicate poverty from our own houselds, but you and me. Yes, government and other international organization or non-profit making institutions can come on board, but that should be a plus - such help can already find us on the way.

As a way to remind you the reader of the 17 UN SDGs, I am again sharing those as lifted from the Wikipedia page.

(1) No Poverty, (2) Zero Hunger, (3) Good Health and Well-being, (4) Quality Education, (5) Gender Equality, (6) Clean Water and Sanitation, (7) Affordable and Clean Energy, (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, (10) Reducing Inequality, (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities, (12) Responsible Consumption and Production, (13) Climate Action, (14) Life Below Water, (15) Life On Land, (16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, (17) Partnerships for the Goals

Author: Menesiah N Muinjo

EMAS Busines School DBA student

Disclaimer: This piece has been written as part of my EMAS Business School DBA students educational actities regulation orders.

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

EMAS Business School - United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs, DBA Student) Report 2

Firstly, I am declaring that as an EMAS Business School Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) student, I am pledging my support towards the promotion of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs.

This inspiration and initiative to publically support the UN Sustainable Development Goals, SDG's is the brain child of the EMAS (International) Business School with its Headquarters in Moscow, Russia, but with a number of partnership linkages world-wide. The school, through its community, and mainly its students is therefore spreading good will in the world through the amplification of the significance of embracing the SDGs acroos the planet for common good.

As the EMAS Business School DBA Student, this is my second report on the support of the UN SDG's efforts  since the School implemented this initiative as part of the students'social ranking activities. The aim of this report is to amongst others enforce the agenda on the development goals as inspired by my school.

The first report posted on 12 October 2021 highlighted the importance of promoting the UN SDGs by EMAS Business School students. This second report as initialyl hinted, highlights the 17 UN SDGs, with the aim to create awareness about this noble initative.

The SDGs are 17 in total, and are easily accessible on various websites, mainly the UN Social Media Platforms. The SDGs as chronologically listed below are from the Wikipedia platform, the free encyclopedia on the web.

The 17 SDGs are: 

(1) No Poverty, (2) Zero Hunger, (3) Good Health and Well-being, (4) Quality Education, (5) Gender Equality, (6) Clean Water and Sanitation, (7) Affordable and Clean Energy, (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, (10) Reducing Inequality, (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities, (12) Responsible Consumption and Production, (13) Climate Action, (14) Life Below Water, (15) Life On Land, (16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, (17) Partnerships for the Goals

My next reports will unpack the various SDGs - again, with the aim to create awareness abou tthe benefits of upholding each one of them. SDG Goal number four is about Quality Education, which is synomous with EMAS Business School. 

Thefore, my call to action is to inspire everyone next to you to implement the SDG's aspirations to eradicate poverty and hunger and advance good health and well-being. Join me in these efforts to advance the SDGs' agenda. Join EMAS Business School in its quest to make the world a better place through amongst others peace, justice and strong insttiutions, partshipships for the Goals, Life on Land, Life beelow Water, reducing inequality and based on the rest of the 17 SDGs.

Author: Menesiah N Muinjo

EMAS Busines School DBA student

Disclaimer: This piece has been written as part of my EMAS Business School DBA students educational actities regulation orders.

Wednesday, 13 October 2021

EMAS Business School creates a unique and valabule opportunity for its students and graduates to start buildng a career as independent Board of Directors.

 The EMAS Business School has done it again!.

This time, it introduced the Creation of the EMAS Club of BOARDS OF DIRECTORS. The varsity authorities made this announcement today (Wednesday, 12th October 2021) to its student community, graduates and related partners.

The official notice about this initiative as shared on one of the students' informaton sharing and networkshop platforms as well as other varsity social media pages states that several projects are being developed and discussed within the EMAS Ecosystem. One of them is the  EMAS Club Board of Directors. It further says that the concept  and the first draft of the Club Rules have already been discussed among the EMAS teachers on strategic management. And these were ready to be submitted to the general discussions of students and graduates for their input.

The official notice confirms that like EMAS, the Club will expand its activities not only to Russia but also other countries. And that both Russian and International Students can participate in the Club activities.

Taking the liberty to attribute the content of the official notice to the Rector of EMAS Business School who shared the information with the students,  Andrey Kolyada says, "the particpation in the club is a very valuable opportunity for a student or gradue to start building a career as an independent Director and Consultant  in the Boards of Directors, to increase their attractivenessin the labour market as a manager to constantly acquire new competencies  and of course to regularly increase their income.

 "At the same time, this is an equally valuable opportunity for companies that seeek to implement best  corporate practices and would like to receive a Board of Directors to help their managers but have have not yet decided or cannot afford to create one, including - and above all, it concerns the companies that are owned and operated by our students and graduates", Kolyada notes.

He further says that the club will give opportunities to both, and regardelss of the country in which you live and work. Without exaggeration, these opportunities are available only in EMAS. We can do this due to to the fact taht we have very, so to speak, high quality students and there are a lot of them".

The  school wide meeting off all interested students, graduates and teachers to further explain the Club creation and its importance in details  and once again discuss the Club Rules will take place on 19th October 2021.

"After the discussions at the meeting, the rules will undergo final adjustements and soon the work of the Club will be officially started, Kolyada. 

The notice says that the Club already has its own website.

It's states that the number of Club members wll be limited by the actual demand for Boards of Directors from companies plus a small reserve . For example, at the stage of creation of the Club, not more than 20 students, graduates and teachers will be admitte to the Club.  New members will be admitted as soon as companies seeking Boards of Directors appear. 

As the EMAS Ecosystem continues to grow, the school authority has encouraged students to subit related projects that can benefit  the system.

As a student of EMAS Business School, the Boards of Directors Club is a milestone for many especially the corporate world of which some, like here in Namibia find some of the businesses wanting regarding fiduciary functions.

On the other hand, many corporate managers who end up climbing the ladder like the author of this report hardly get targeted training or education on how to be an effective board of directors. EMAS is indeed the winner when it comes to empowering and imparting practical and modern skills in the world of business.

No wonder this initiative is out of EMAS, by EMAS & for EMAS varsity community and partners. God EMAS Business School Go. I am a proud DBA student of EMAS Business School and would like to be associated with the Creation of the Bords of Directors Club.

Author: Menesiah Muinjo

EMAS DBA Student

Disclaimer: I wrote this piece as the EMAS Business School DBA Student who is expected to participate in the varsity events, promote them and just share information about the university as part of my educational and study regulation and orders activities..

Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Eurasian Management and Administration School (EMAS Business School) and Student's Efforts to support and promote the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Developmment Goals, SDGs

 Firstly, I am declaring that as an EMAS Business School Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) student, I am pledging my support towards the promotion of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs.

As part of my support towards the UN SDGs as per the inspiration of my varsity, EMAS Business School, I will be writing some reports on these goals as part of this initiative and commitment.

This is my first EMAS Business School UN-SDGs support report.

(EMAS-UN SDGs support initiative 1) .

On Monday, 11th October 2021, my varsity, the EMAS Business School based in Mosco, Russia  issued one of the critical Educational Activity Orders, the Regulations on the new rating system for students of the MBA, Executive MBAand DBA programmes. 

This rating system aims to assess student's achievements which will reflect the personal achievements of students in educational activitieesas well as social activities. This student performance ranking procedure is determined by and updated every three months by calculating ranking indicators of each of the identified categories. The personal students ranking or achievements assessment categories include individual grades, the learning schedule, networking, social activity and projects implemented by the students in accordance with UN Social Development Goals. Promotion of EMAS Business School in the public space and the promotion of the activities and development of the EMAS Business School. This new rating system will be effective as of the last quarter of the year.

Although this noble initiative amongst others aims to inspire students to achieve high marks and pass their individual modules and finally their courses/programmes, what further makes it spectacular is the fact that the school management included the UN Sustainable Developmental Goals, which are aimed at making the world a better place for all. Instilling this noble and feat activity in the minds of students is so critical for saving lives, eradicate hunger and poverty and do as per the 17 UN SDGs expectations.

According to the school authorities (in the notice shared with the students and on the EMAS Business School Face Book Page), " the world around us is constantly changing. The economy, society and trends are changing and those who do not kow how to adapt often lose". The school leadership further says EMAS always strives to improve the quality of its programmes, studies modern tools in the field of business and education and actively implement them in its activities.

This is indeed a special decision for a varsity to inspire its community and especially students to be part of the change they want to see on the planet. And I wonder, how many varsities have so far implemented such a unique initiative to form part of the student's educational activities, but most importantly formal activity which now stands as a regulation and order of the EMAS Business School.

As an EMAS Business School DBA student, I am committed to be part of the change as driven by my school and promise to support the UN SDGs by personally participating in the activities to do just that and promte the 17 SDGs on my various social media platforms and where possible, share these with my friends and colleagues on different ocassions.

My next post will list and highlight the 17 as DG as indicated on the WILIPEDIA page & UN platforms just to create the general awareness about the said SDGs. After that, I will briefly upack each one of the SDGs, again, just to reiterate the importance of its meaning and impact.

Keep watching this space. Only at EMAS Business School and by EMAS Business School students.

Author: Menesiah N Muinjo

EMAS Busines School DBA student

Disclaimer: This piece has been written as part of my EMAS Business School DBA students educationa actities regulation orders.

Sunday, 3 October 2021

I am from the Mboma-Masilingi & Henk Botha Coach Country.

 I am from the Mboma-Masilingi & Henk Botha Coach Country.

Where is that?
The country of Frankie Fredricks, Johanna Benson, and the Paralympic (Olympians) Medalists. I am from the Land of Harry Simon; the International Boxer.
Ooh ok... and who else?
The Miss Universe 1992 Michelle McLean’s country - the Land of the Brave. The country of Dillish Matthews, the Big Brother Africa House Mate Winner - and Maria Nepembe. The country of Miss Namibia 2021 Chelsi Shikongo and Miss Supernational 2021 who hails from the Coast. The Motherland of Top Models Meriam Kaxuxuena; Luis Munana & Maria Hiwilepo (Amira Eli.
The country where the Amazing Girl; the Legendary ChiChi -Namibia (Nancy Vevangaune Kokuua-kupi Walye—nyee Muinjo battled Breast Cancer to the end of her last breath five days after her birthday. (Let her soul Rest In World Peace).
The country of Founding President Sam Nujoma who is the Father of the Namibian
Nation, succeeded by former President Hifikepunye Pohamba with Dr Geingob as the seating Head of State.
I am from the country of Zebra-Style or Zig-Zag Principle when it comes to Gender Parity (50-50). Our country is led by female Prime Minister & Deputy Prime Prime Minister- (Madam Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila & Madam Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah respectively (Madam Nandi-Ndaitwah is also our country’s Minister of International Relations) at Administration level.
I am from the country where our FLON is Madam Monica Geingos.
I am from Namibia; a country with the best meat ever, embodied with rich natural resources, our diamonds; Gold; Uranium & minerals of all sorts. Our Mahangu, maize, goats, cattle; sheep; chicken & fruit & veggies are tops. We love our unity in cultural diversity.
In Namibia, we amongst others love our Kapana & Vet-koek, braaivleis; Boere wors (Farm fresh sausage); Oshikundu, Omaere& Oros. We are hospitable people.; very friendly & welcoming.
Ooh, and who are you?
I am the one and only Menesia Muinjo, the NBC Brand and Daughter of the Soil (smiling).
Ooh, ok, enjoy your Patriotism Menesia, it was nice meeting you.
Mbuuuuaaaeee (the fun of speaking to oneself via digital conversation ... My Namibia, My Pride.)
You, Kaija Shivute, MbaTjino Katjiukua and 132 others


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  • Kerstin Van Wyk
    Its soooo true what you are saying Menesia
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    Menesia Muinjo replied
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