Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Eurasian Management and Administration School (EMAS Business School) and Student's Efforts to support and promote the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Developmment Goals, SDGs

 Firstly, I am declaring that as an EMAS Business School Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) student, I am pledging my support towards the promotion of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs.

As part of my support towards the UN SDGs as per the inspiration of my varsity, EMAS Business School, I will be writing some reports on these goals as part of this initiative and commitment.

This is my first EMAS Business School UN-SDGs support report.

(EMAS-UN SDGs support initiative 1) .

On Monday, 11th October 2021, my varsity, the EMAS Business School based in Mosco, Russia  issued one of the critical Educational Activity Orders, the Regulations on the new rating system for students of the MBA, Executive MBAand DBA programmes. 

This rating system aims to assess student's achievements which will reflect the personal achievements of students in educational activitieesas well as social activities. This student performance ranking procedure is determined by and updated every three months by calculating ranking indicators of each of the identified categories. The personal students ranking or achievements assessment categories include individual grades, the learning schedule, networking, social activity and projects implemented by the students in accordance with UN Social Development Goals. Promotion of EMAS Business School in the public space and the promotion of the activities and development of the EMAS Business School. This new rating system will be effective as of the last quarter of the year.

Although this noble initiative amongst others aims to inspire students to achieve high marks and pass their individual modules and finally their courses/programmes, what further makes it spectacular is the fact that the school management included the UN Sustainable Developmental Goals, which are aimed at making the world a better place for all. Instilling this noble and feat activity in the minds of students is so critical for saving lives, eradicate hunger and poverty and do as per the 17 UN SDGs expectations.

According to the school authorities (in the notice shared with the students and on the EMAS Business School Face Book Page), " the world around us is constantly changing. The economy, society and trends are changing and those who do not kow how to adapt often lose". The school leadership further says EMAS always strives to improve the quality of its programmes, studies modern tools in the field of business and education and actively implement them in its activities.

This is indeed a special decision for a varsity to inspire its community and especially students to be part of the change they want to see on the planet. And I wonder, how many varsities have so far implemented such a unique initiative to form part of the student's educational activities, but most importantly formal activity which now stands as a regulation and order of the EMAS Business School.

As an EMAS Business School DBA student, I am committed to be part of the change as driven by my school and promise to support the UN SDGs by personally participating in the activities to do just that and promte the 17 SDGs on my various social media platforms and where possible, share these with my friends and colleagues on different ocassions.

My next post will list and highlight the 17 as DG as indicated on the WILIPEDIA page & UN platforms just to create the general awareness about the said SDGs. After that, I will briefly upack each one of the SDGs, again, just to reiterate the importance of its meaning and impact.

Keep watching this space. Only at EMAS Business School and by EMAS Business School students.

Author: Menesiah N Muinjo

EMAS Busines School DBA student

Disclaimer: This piece has been written as part of my EMAS Business School DBA students educationa actities regulation orders.

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