Saturday, 1 February 2014

Education Graduation/Qualifications Ceremonies fast becoming more valuable than wedding/marriage ceremonies.

To get married has always been a very key event in one's life, to an extend that those who have reached some age log-standings in some communities were perceived to be "odd" if they were not married including those who got children before marriage.

In some traditions, parents and communities at large regarding wedding ceremonies as one of the highest accomplishments in an individual's life. For the purpose of this post and its context, I am referring to marriage pereptions in some communities in Namibia, my home and country of birth.

Parents, relatives and friends especially in some communities would slaughter cattle and look for all kinds of gifts to shower the marrying couple as this marriage was seen as a significant development compared to other related events in a person's life-cycle, such as birth, christening, confirmation, graduation and general achievements such as political or professional appointments.

Biblically, marriage is an important union for two partners as it results in a lot of different wealth, children, grand children, unity, togetherness and many more.

However, with so many challenges facing married couples in modern times, this union, usually bound and glued together, not only by faith, conviction but also a matrimonial certicate risks to be dissolved.

This means that anytime, one of the couples can take a step to break up- and do away with the marrIage. It also means that the couple or partners are depended on each other to hold the marriage intact. This dependency is the main focus this post.

But, this is a different matter when it comes to education graduation or qualification ceremony. These types of events were not that seriously considered to celebrate, not to mention the value of their importance then.

But, when one looks at the value education qualifications adds to a person's life, career and existence, it is so immeasurable and can actullly be argued that its quality is more than that of a wedding.

With education, an individual is not dependent on another person to receive the certificate. Education qualifications remains part of the individual and no one can take it away from him/her. Like a well-kept secret, a person takes his/her education qualification to the grave.

With education, a person takes full control of his/her life. With education, an individual easily realizes the possibility of options in life, problem solving and many more. And there is so much to argue about why an education graduation has picked up weight compared to marriage.

Yes, based on the various believes and cultures, one has to get married first before he/she engages in many other activities some of them perceived as "taboo or forbidden"  including the process of getting children. That is respected, but the argument here is - education graduation ceremonies have now become so important because of the meaning and ability/options/value qualifications gives a person. And the good thing is, a person can always get married after obtaining good education qualifications - such as the minimum qualfiications of a Master's degree to be able to work anywhere in the world, the UN Specialized Agencies, International Institutions, etc. It is a bit easier to first be educationally qualified and get married then doing it vice versa (at least in the Namibian context) because a person will have more choices and minimum responsibility compare to when one is married and interdependent on the marriage partner.

Therefore, parents nowadays even spend so much on these events  to appreciate their children's achievemnts. Unlike before when some parents will  consider slaughtering a cow or hosting a grand party in honour of their graduates, nowadays it is different.

In 2013, I attended a graduation ceremony of our family friends' child at the top hotel in the country (at least in terms of its brand/name), the Hilton. You can imagine the resources put together for this purposes. Previously, one could only expect a wedding and a wedding for a couple that can afford to have a party at the Hilton and not a graduation ceremony.

And the key reason to do that for a child is basically to appreciate the step she took to reach that educational level and to encourage the rest of the siblings to do the same. The qualifications that girl obtained are now engraved in her life - and no one will take that away from her own life. Unlike in a marriage union where one partner can go and dissolve the matrimonial agreement, with education, that girl has now taken full charge of her own life and destiny.

And the graduate's dad confirmed his conviction on education qualifications to me - saying, "I am a proud father tonight, who regards graduation ceremonies more valuable compared to wedding ceremonies as unlike in marriage where parties can divorce,  no one will take away her qualifications or break it away from her". 

This statement from Mr. Fabianus Paulus, Jennifer Paulus (the graduate)'s dad motivated me to put this post together.

Hundreds of Namibians graduated in various disciplines yesterday and held parties to celebrate their education success.

Compiled by Menesia Muinjo


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