Thursday, 27 February 2014

You are beautiful? Beautiful in whose eyes? What is beautiful, what does it mean in your view?

This subject just sprang to mind, why I have no idea, but something told me to briefly touch on it, and think a bit deeper about what beauty is and who decides beauty.

They say, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder? But who is that beholder to define another's beauty? Who actually should define a person's beauty, the person him/herself or someone else.

Most of the time, we hear that comments that this and that person is beautiful or the other person is ugly? But how does one define beauty? By the looks? What how, what looks make up beauty? And the same can be asked about ugliness. Who decides that this person and that one is ugly or more ugly?

What attracts a person to quality another as beautiful, emotional magnet or physical appearance or basically a preconceived package of the mind?

I am sure each one of us when asked to give our own individual opinions, we shall be able to describe why I think a particular person is beautiful. In some societies for example, a pointy nose person, long eye lashes and fair skin with round and catchy eyes could be described as beautiful. But in other societies, a flat - nose person, thick lips, short hair, dark skin, round catchy eyes are beautiful. And the beauty package can really carry so much, the height, the body structure such as ovallish or curvish things, long legs and so on.

But, who then decides what beauty is and to who?

Perhaps it is therefore right that each one of us define beauty the way we see it, the way we want it, the way we perceive and understand it - and that might not necessary be the standard of beauty for all. I guess it is up to a particular person's liking and feeling of the moment that a person sees the other a gorgeous. That's because in some instances, such as when a person is attracted to the other that time, he or she can see the person as beautiful but once that appreciation is gone, the beauty too can go with it.

Well, this is a continuous debate what we need to pursue and it will be interesting to hear you point of view. Don't you think beauty is instead in the eyes of the owner instead of that of a beholder? I mean, why should another person define your beauty and not yourself?

Yes another person can see beauty also in his or her ow view, but you too must see it from your own perspective. So next time a person tells you are you not beautiful, ask him or her as to who qualifies him or her to authetise your beauty?? No one, but no one else must define your beauty, but yourself.

Enjoy your beauty !

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