Tuesday 5 May 2015

Calm in the midst of a deadly storm - Are you able to brave emotions or do you rather let them out and flow with the feeling of the moment?

Emotions are probably one of the most challenging feelings or situations to manage. Have you found yourself if a stormy situation - and yet you are expected to keep your cool and calm. How easy or difficult is it to do that? How can a captain seeing the ship about to be swallowed by waves still be expected to maintain his or her cool.

This is indeed a challenge and those who are unable to manage their emotions during tough situations are said to be weak. But how can that be the case if one is human and has feelings too, such as anger, disappointment etc?

But, those who have experience this situation would say, if you manage to keep your emotions under control despite delicate situations, then you have managed to pass the key level - which many hardly reach.

The issue is not to suppress how you feel but to rather manage that in a fair manner to avoid explosions and dynamites.... for some, braving stormy weathers with a cool head - also frustrates some, because they might perceive the calmness as lack of interest in the situation at hand... but as you may understand, we are all diverse -- and will always have different angles to various issues, e.g. those who will see a glass half full or half empty..

Well, this post was basically aimed at stimulating thinking, and once you find yourself in the stormy temperament, check your degree celcius coolness --- and decide whether you will manage the fire under your skin - and cool the adrenalin in your system or whether to put up a dynamite - or tsunami for the inability to manage it...

This post is aimed at information sharing, putting heads together and think deep especially for the youth who might need this. The author posted that in her private capacity as a Namibian, thinker and leader...

1 comment:

  1. Wow.....These are inspiring and encourage thoughts, Thak you ma'am.
