Saturday, 5 April 2014

Forgive yourself and forgive any person who wronged you - do not host anger, hatred, disappointment in your system for life - take that stand now, you will feel much better and liberated from that emotional pain.

Many of us are harbouring feelings of anger, disappointment, hatred, thoughts of revenge or just contemplating as to what to do against those who offended us and caused us pain, in relations, at the work place or just in our communities and countries. But, the question is, until when to we allow us to store those feelings, those pains that hurt more especially if we think about the person who offended us or physically or even photographically see that person or group? Do we now at the more we keep anger, hate, and pain in our hearts, the more we overload our systems and negatively affect our peace and health? Sometimes I ask myself, well a person got angry because he or she was disppointed by someone who promised him or her to be her everlasting lover - just an example - but well, if that person is no longer interested in that love, why should I habour the hatred for the rest of my life, why can't I find a way to forgive myself and forgive that person and move on - and look for a new love if that is the next option - you have the opportunity to do right that and start a new life.

You can forgive yourself now - and forgive the offender right now - and see how better you will feel.

According to the google explanation, Forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, lets go of negative emotions such as revenge, with an increased ability to wish the offender well.[1][2][3] Forgiveness is different from condoning (failing to see the action as wrong and in need of forgiveness), excusing (not holding the offender as responsible for the action), pardoning (granted by a representative of society, such as a judge), forgetting (removing awareness of the offence from consciousness), and reconciliation (restoration of a relationship).[1] In certain contexts, forgiveness is a legal term for absolving or giving up all claims on account of debt, loan, obligation or other claims.

Today, I  would like to challenge my facebook, twitter, linkedin and friends and followers , especially the young ones in particular, those that might be angry at someone or a group to take a stand now and forgive such a person or group. You must start by forgiving yourself - and then that person, despite what he or she did to you - do not worry about the depth or magnitude of damage he or she caused to you and your character - the pain he orshe might have caused and the dent of your dignity. The most noble thing you can do to yourself now is to forgive yourself for the anger you might have harboured due to the damage, disappointment and hardship that came about due to that situation and then forgive him or her, right now. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE - BUT YOU WILL GAIN PEACE OF MIND -HEALING OF YOUR SOUL AND HEART - AND MUCH JOY - YOU WILL BE FREE AND LIBERATED - BUT ONLY YOU WILL EXPERIENCE AND FEEL THAT - IT IS YOUR DECISION AND NOT YOUR FRIENDS ONE - TAKE A MINUTE, THINK DEEP ABOUT IT AND TAKE THAT ACTION. You will also restore relations - but most importantly - you will restore your inner calm - happiness and relaxation. This is just a piece of advice though... it is possible and it is a memorable experience to be free and happy instead of carrying anger and be in pain all the time.

Just think that that some Tutsis and Hutu in Rwanda were on one another's throats in 1994, 20 years today, they are holding hands to build their country. And I do't need to go too far, in Namibia, before independence, a lot happened and up to now some families cannot account for their loved ones, but we cannot be bitter till death, we have to forgive one another and move on.

Now why is your situation so difficult - why can't you forgive that former friend, spouse, partner, boy friend, girlfriend, employer, employee or yours and move on ? You can do it, just try - so next time we get in touch on this page, you will be smiling and laughing off the inability to forgive that you might have faced then...good luck,.

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