Tuesday, 29 April 2014

My work place is the best ever! Have you ever said that loud and clear to yourself and to others? What is your contribution to making your workplace the best ever?

My work place is the best ever, second to none!

This is the hope of every employee. No employee wants to work at the workplace which is not the best ever. But what makes the workplace the best compared to others? I posed this question informally to one of my friends, and she said, the work environment must be conducive in order for me to feel happy at work. The people I work with my be good (good? in what sense) to me as a colleague - not back biting or gossip me and my supervisors too must be supportive etc. You might be adding that you need tools to enable you too work or you need a "living wage" (as opposed to dead wage??).

This post is however not focusing on the signs of being the best work place or the things that need to stand out in order for a particular work place to stand out. But, it is attempting to invest what an employee's contribution is and must be to making the work place the best ever.

Most of the time, we cry and say, my work place is not good - but who makes it not good, your boss, your colleague, the customers, the suppliers, the shareholders, or who? Where are you in this list? What role to you play to make your work place the best ever? Have you taken a minute just to find out how your actions or none action contributes to your work place being the best place or worse place ever?

I am asking these questions because it takes two to tango - what have you done to change the situation at work? Yes, I do understand that at times things can be difficult, or you give your input but there is not response or your contribution falls on deaf ears. But you have at least tried to do something, but what about those who basically just sit on the fence, and continue to moan to aging their body fabric that my work place is that and that - but they are not giving a suggestion or option to make things better.

What I am trying to bring across here to - the fact that - our actions or inactions result in how things are at the work place and even at home or wherever ... and we have to learn to do something - in an amicable way - we must stop to moan without offering options....

Your situation can only change if you allow it to change for the better... as they say, the worse pain when it comes to change is when you situation remains the same -- and this also applies to your work place - change it - make it the best place ever - speak to your supervisor, boss, colleague and find a way to improve your work place.

Well, again, this is basically just a thought - I am sure we can all find a way to put heads together to make our work places the best.

As for me, I am still convinced that my work place is the best ever - and whenever there are issues, there are most of the time, personal and temporary disagreements - issues of jealously and petty issues that do not even deserve one's attention.... that's but my view... once again, make your work place the best... you have the power to do it, regardless of the position you hold, stop blaming your supervisor, boss or your colleague, double check first if the problem might not lie with you....!

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