Friday, 4 April 2014

Namibia's State Presidential MANTLE hand over processes have started - as President Hifikepunye Pohamba prepares to step down.

It will on on the 21st of March 2015 that Namibia's seating President will hand over the State Presidential Mantle to his successor - the winner of the envisage Presidential elections scheduled for November 2014.

The process to the State Presidential handing over of instruments of power - amongst others start with the national assembly and Presidential elections. These are already prepared though. Political parties to content the elections will soon to announced which also signal the political campaign period.

One of the significant process leading to the 21st of March next year was President Pohamba's State of the Nation Address which was widely seen as his last as he prepares to round of his two term period of ten years in total after he succeeded Namibia's Founding President Sam Nujoma.

Once the National Elections are over, the next will be the announcement of the winning Presidential canditate who will be declared as Namibia's President -Elect until he is sworn in on the 21st of March 2015.

Once the President -Elect is officially declared - the seating President as he has confirmed in a local print media will start the process of coaching and taking his successor through the Presidential ropes, showing hiim where he will leave off and where the new President will take off....

It must be exciting moments - both for the seating President as he takes stock of what his team and hiim have achieved during their ten year tenure - the difference they made in people's lives - the upliftment of Namibians - and of course some challenges that must still be tackled by the incoming team.

It must be equally exciting for the incoming team - ready to serve Namibia's nation - great hopes and enthusiam to further improve on development for everyone.

At the moment, the seating President as he is travelling to various international events and for bilateral relations is surely also bidding good bye to his counterparts as she privately shares with them on Namibia's next developments in terms of State Power change. He will surely also request his counterparts to continue working excellently with the next State President and boost both trade and diplomatic related aspects.

State power transfer events are usually big events - attended by some seating and former President, not to mention by friends and local communities...... there is so much in story for that event - a rebirth of some political developments - an urshering of a new page and era - but hinged on the country's nationa vision - to grow an inspiring nation as per the slogan of the local national broadcaster.

I will rather end this post here for now - as I visualize what's lying ahead for the Land of Brave - ready to say thank you so much to President Pohamba and to welcome his successor - knowing that a firm path has been paved and made ready to further travel as we strive to achieve our human resource development, technology related matters and most importantly have improved quality of live for everyone with shelter, have access to education, health and all the relevant services. 

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