Friday, 22 August 2014

I am in love with the art of knowing languages - I am a secret admirer of those who have embraced diversity in accepting other people's languages and learn to speak them

Wow, even before I jot down some lines for this post, I feel my love oozing for the art of being a linguist. I am not one myself, by I thrill and break with happiness when I see a person - speaking another language apart from his or her own or the language he or she learnt when he or she grew up.

My heart just gets filled with joy when I see a fellow Namibian speaking a language different from the mother tongue --- my body gets relaxed and energized as I mesmerize with honour my compatriot realizing that we are all human  - body and soul  - filled with blood and bones under our skin and we mean no harm to one another - we are all creatures of the Lord - and we must love one another as per biblical word.... the language to me is acquired from one's environment - and is not really genetic -- this to me means that I can be black, but if I was raised by a white person who spoke a different language other than the one I learnt from my baby days, I was going to speak differently today.

In Namibia for instance, we have a number of language groups - ranging from oshiwambo speaking, otjiherero, Damara Nama, Rukavango, SiLozi, Setswana, Afrikaans, English, German, !Ha and many others, including portuguese, french and even Mandarine, Russian, Spanish since we also have international communities here.

We are such a diverse nation - and we love our individual languages - but there are those who have broken to yoke of individualism and embrace the notion of being one Namibia One Nation...and have learnt to speak other languages too...

Last night, although sorrowful that time - as I attended the memorial service of my constituency concillor - I witnessed the late's cousin displaying the spirit of being a Namibian - speaking oshiwambo and Rukwangali as well as English.... I find it special and respectful when another person learns the next person's language and never try and look down on the other's language...

Yes, nowadays to know languages is a business skill and a huge advantage - to the person who is armed with such competencies.... you can go to any village - and the residents there will appreciate you as you speak in the language they understand - you will be able to put your message across - and you can also translate and share that message with others.

At the business level - various countries such as Angola and Mozambique in the Southern African Development Community Area of Jurisdiction speak portuguese, and if you can master that, it will only be a plus - at AU and other levels, french or spanish and even German as well as Mandarin will become compulsory as we face a changing environment where we embrace the world -- Africa and China, Africa and Russia, Africa and Arabic Countries are friends - and they have to do business with one another - therefore having the particular language skill is core and key.

Therefore, whether it is Ngangela, Tjimbundu, Zambezi, or whatever language we hear today - let's embrace that as those languages just enrich our own skills and culture.... and it has nothing to do with a particular person speaking that language - therefore, there is no need to undermine, or dismiss a particular language ... yes, many of Namibians suffered under apartheid - and had afrikaans imposed on many of them --yes, many were angry for the "original speakers"?? of the language .... and hated it - while some schools boycotted this particular language in both SA in Namibia --- but when you personally think deep about this language - just as a language and not a person who imposed it - do you really need to hate the language  - words put together to make up a language??

It's the same when you are for instance robbed by a particular language group - robbed of your property - or your dignity - e.g. raped or just humiliated --- would you say that particular language spoken by such people is no longer worth it ?? I am just asking a question - and I am not taking any side here - I am allowing for some deep thinking ....

Yeah -coming back to the subject, I will once again say being a linguist just makes my heart grow fonder...

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

"The Namibian Dream" - the country needs to craft - develop - officialize and market its own National Dream!

The Author of this post has been thinking deep about the Namibia Dream. What consists or comprises the Namibian Dream?  What contains the package of the Namibian Dream? Who can benefit from the Namibian Dream, Namibians only or other interested World Citizens too?

We have been hearing about the American Dream, which includes plenty opportunities - that any World Citizen can benefit from it. These include study opportunities if I have to at least mention of the American Dream we have been hearing.

Namibia too has plenty of opportunities - firstly, the country is peaceful - and politically stable, and this pre-requisite is so critical to almost any other development. Namibia has also been referred to as a Peace-Maker given its successful efforts to restore peace and democracy in some Southern African Countries including Madagascar. The country's Press/Media Freedom is alwaying topping the list in Africa - and our Human Resource Development - Transparancy and Human Rights Records rates are not bad. The country has also developed its Institutions of Higher Learning - and boasts two universities (University of Namibia and International University of Management), and a technikon that will sooon be turned into university of technology.Our Natural resources and Environmental preservation ranks amongst the best in Africa. Our natural sceneries and general diverse set up of the country in terms of its landscape and its population are marvelous. Namibia is also patriotic when it comes to Africanness - Pan Africanism and the world affairs. It is one of the few African countries flying the African Union Flag alongside its own National Flag, sing the African Union Athem alongside its own National Anthem and sing both anthems and fly both flags at the opening of the national broadcaster TV station (s). There is so much to offer in terms of the Namibian Dream opportunities. That is why I am saying, Namibia also has its own UNIQUE DREAM which many people can make use of. I am sure the Namibia Dream is yet to be structured and officialize in order to market it and sell it to the rest of the world.....

The Author is therefore proposing that a formal Namibian Dream be crafted - and has such idea instilled in the minds of the upcoming young generation - so that they can grow up knowing what their Land can offer in this regard - to them and to the rest of Human Kind. We have to treasure our own Heritage and resources and the Namibian Dream is just but one of them.

So, next time you want to add value to this idea - kindly share your idea and input on this Namibian Dream aspect ... we the nation have to develop and grow our own Namibian Dream, as nobody will do it for us.

Dream along with the Namibian Dream...

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Namibia - busy with with the debate on the third Constitution Amendment Bill

The Namibian National Assembly - whose proceedings are being broadcast as they happen - right as I write this post - have attracted many interested parties to listen to the debate on Namibia's third proposed amendment to the constitution.

Recently the Namibia's Chairperson of the Law Reform - Sackie Shanghala has been sharing with the public - consulting on this very bill - but it seems in some quarters like among the NGO's and some political parties advance further consultations. One MP confirmed that back-benchers were extensively consulted - and that everybody in the house was consulted - squashing the allegations that some back benchers were not consulted.

This post will not go into the actual amendments and why they are need, but will focus more on the current debate in the National Assembly.

Currently, the discussions are interesting - with some MP's asking the morality of the envisaged action -- and whether their mandate was still valid before the next Parliament - others infact reacted with vuma requesting the particular MP who made such comments to withdraw them as he was wrong - because the MPs still had the mandate to regulate.

One of the MPs referred to the fellow MP who questioned the moral and mandate of the members to amend the constitution - to the article that deals with the repeal and amendments - and the number of those MPs who must be present - as the constitution has given the mandate - he then questioned why the fellow MP was telling the public things that are not correct.

One of the MP's said - if the constitution is to be amended or changed - then some of the old MP's must also move on and change - so that young people can join parliament --as their time was up - and must retire - and give the youth a chance to bring in new ideas... One MP even said go spend time with your grand chldren and your great grand children....this reaction followed a remark that some of the MPs were not in the Chambers in 1990 might not remember what was happening then and the constitution formulation.

But the speaker said - let those MPs who were in the Chambers remain till after the elections in November 2014. It was also said what was mentioned was real history - and that people must not be mislead - and the changes are being made because of what was made then ---and now needs to change to fit the current situation.

Some of our MPs are using ipads - presenting their motions from their gadgets ....great technology users ....

The bone of contention is again - from those who are concerned is that the people of Namibia were not consulted and that the country does not need to rush into changing the consitution.

Today's debate on the bill are envisaged to pave the way to Namibia's third amendment to the constitution
- previously, Namibia had amended the constitution to pave the way for the Presidential Third Term, and the other one had to do with the Appointment of some Regional leaders --- and today's one is another one...

Again -- the debate continues - the final decision will be arrived at once this matter has been finalized .. again this post was just to alert you that in Namibia today - we have one of the key and historic debates on the constitution amendment bill.

In the meantime, some people are having a demonstration outside Parliament -- targetted on the proposed bill..

This post will still be edited and improved ---for now once again, the idea was just to alert that the debate is on.

Namibia breaks new ground on digital voting through the Electronic Voting Machines, EVMs - the first on the African Continent.

Namibia might be small in population, but it is fast becoming a leader in many respects.

Its latest record is the usage of Indian-purchased Electronic Voting Machines - or EVMs as many call them which were used for the first time in both Namibia and Africa for a by-Election in the Ohangwena Constituency of the Ohangwena Region in the Northern part of the country recently.

This is the first time an African country is pioniering this technology - and many are hailing its success - including both young and old. The feedback has been overwhelming with some old people refering to the election voting machines as "an easy thing" and quick to use.

The voting machines are eliminating the physcial ballot paper usage and the election voter education of pressing a button seems to have been easy to even those electorates who cannot read or write as all they have to do is to know their Political Party or Political Party candidate and press the particular button next to the Party of their choice. This exercise has also shown that technology is really making things easier for the voters - on the other hand, our voters are also adapting to ICT in their own way.

The machine also eliminated the issue of spoiled ballot papers which is another plus for the country.

Another positive development is the fact that the machine can easily and quickly tabulate the total votes for each Political Party or Political Party Candidate and in the presence of those concerned indicate the total number of the winner and the followers. Again, this is cutting down on the cumbersome physical counting of each ballot paper.

Many countrie including Namibia most of the time end up with court hearings about election results disputes - which eminate from ballot paper or vote counting issues - or rigging which is a general term used in related cases. And with the new e-voting machines, all these issues are likely to be things of the past.

The voting machines will again be tested at the upcoming by-elections in Otjinene in the Omaheke Region - which is the eastern part of Namibia and many eligible voters are looking forward to that.

The same machines are to be used in the upcoming National Assembly and Presidential Elections in November 2014 - the first ever national elections to use voting machines.

If Namibia can set the benchmark in the Electronic Voting Machines, any other African country can also do that as improving the election processes can only improve the democratic systems.

Well done Namibia, keep on leading the electronic voting processes pack in Africa.

The author of this post is looking forward to the next African country that will follow in the footsteps of the Land of the Brave.

Saturday, 12 July 2014

If it were in the Corporate Terms, one would say Brazil National Team would have to go for a "Turn-Around Strategy",

What is coming out of the 2014 World Cup Games for me is the issue of the "need to work as a solid team". I am hearing so much of the German Team having had a coherent team and playing as a team. The Netherlands I am told are also playing as a team - but Brazil seems to be playing a bit disjoined. And although there could be reasons as to why Germany for instance plays as a team - e.g. because most players have been playing together in other leagues unlike the Brazilian team, what is key is that team work is critical to success.

This rang a bell to me because as a corporate leader - I am on a daily basis hearing this and that business not able to achieve its set corporate objectives - meaning that particular business was not successful. Can one then attribute this to amongst other lack of team work or a team that is playing its governance game in a disjointed manner?

When that happens, the trend at least in Namibia is that such a business must go for a "Turn Around Strategy" to reorganize its businesses with the aim to improve its performance. I then also thought about the Brazilian players - who have been great names among the world soccer match brands -- who are now struggling to maintain their usual ranking during World Cups - and I thought - do they then also need some type of Turn Around Strategy then, or what does one call it when it is on a Soccer Pitch and not in a Corporate Boardroom?

I am sure the Brazilian Team will take stock of what might just have gone wrong because almost everyone, Brazilian or not is left with a question mark at to what might have gone wrong - did the German team just really marked the Brazilian team with precision  since the Germans are known for their precision in almost every sphere - business - and now sport?? If that was the case, did the Netherland team do the same then? If yes, Brazilian team could not be on the look out for that - that their players could be marked and blocked fronm any goal shootings?

Yeah, whatever might have happened, I am emphasizing the issue of team work - that is critical to every success, and this rings a loud bell to many of us that if we want to succeed, we need to play as a team, at work, home, on the soccer pitch and else where.

This post is published just shortly after the start of the second half between Brazil and Netherlands. At that time, Netherlands scored two goals and Brazil was yet to shoot a goal.  

After 24 years of broadcasting only via a single TV channel, the Namibia Broadcasting Corporation, NBC is now boasting three TV Channels. To some, these might still be baby steps or a humble beginning, but to some of us who have come a long way with the corporation since its inception as audience (s) this development is a giant step.

First of all - I would like to put this disclaimer forward: I am writing this post not as an NBC employee, but as a Namibian and an NBC audience. I hope there is no conflict of interest here, but I also do realize that because I am an NBC employee, my right as a consumer to air my view on the exciting  digital tranformation in my country seems to have been cancelled by the fact that I work at the NBC. But, this time, I could really not contain my multi-media transformation excitement, and please forgive me for this. Therefore, the views expressed in this post are not that of the NBC but of the post author herself.

It's called the "multi-media fever" and "The Great Namibian Digitalization Revolution". If it has not gripped you yet, then you are not in the Land of the Brave or you just don't watch the NBC TV or listen to its radio services to be specific.

I guess all of us in Namibia are obviously aware of the "Buzz word" Multi-media or Digitalization that has been doing the rounds say since 2013 when the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation, NBC officially "switched" on from analogue to digital.

Many of you I guess have heard about what is called the  "Set Top Boxes", which basically mean some decomders that each TV Set Holder must have as part of the country's covertion from using the analogue broadcasting facilities to digital equipment which result in ample opportunities such as - having multiple TV channels, all your radio channels accessable on the same decoder, a crystal clear TV picture quality and stereo sound when it comes to radio.

The broadcasting transformation is here to stay - and its impact is already being felt across the Namibian Nation. "It's Ours" is on the historic journey and is busy re-writing its story, that no one can deny.

After 24 years of only broadcasting via one TV Channel, the Namibia Broadcasting Corporation, NBC (established by an Act of Parliament, Act 9: NBC Act of 1991) the National Broadcaster is now boasting three TV channels. Yes, it is true that the International Telecommunication, ITU in 2006 gave a directive for all African countries to convert their broadcasting facilities from what is called analogue to digital. And that such broadcasters must have adhered to instruction in 9 years time, which is by next June 2015. Nine years might have sounded a long period for African broadcasters to do as per the ITU directive, but as those in the know would share their experience, most public or State broadcaster limp when it coms to funding and own revenue generation. Their shareholders too do not have free money to dish out and must only do so based on thoroughly planned and budgetted for projects.

So far, many SADC countries are still to honour the ITU directive and so far, countries that have made a move include Mauritius and Tanzania - and Namibia others are in still in the process of adding their full names on that list.....South Africa is slowly but surely also in this category. This process is "no walk in the park" though. It demands, finances, skills, and dedication - with an eye for the right broadcasting infrastructure and technocrats that can assembly the equipment correctly and during the prescribed time. It demands proper marketing strategies for consumer awareness aspects - to ensure that the users know why this change is necessary and how to fit it as well as where to access the decoders that willl make them part of the transformation agenda. And the NBC has thus far done a lot to ensure that the various processes have been followed. Of course this transformation will not be without mistakes and challenges - it's a learning process - it's an "aha and wow experience" and most of us including the author of this post are for the first time learning how to broadcasting using some of the new facilities.

That is why I am saying - the NBC - after 24 years is now boasting a variety of programme offering platforms on its TV.. which many viewers have craved for but had no choice due to amongst others a former single TV channel. For now, audiences will nonw be able to have a choice - when it comes to their favourite TV shows. The decoders have recording faciltiies meaning they will no longer miss their favourite programmes. This development is a great revolution for especially the majority of Namibians, those who had no funds to purchase DSTV Decoders and maintain the monthly fee payment. Unlike other channels that are paid for monthly, the NBC decoder once acquired - means the owner will not pay a monthly feed, it is a once off payment. It is also affordable, N$199.00 for a Set Top Box for any other users and N$60.00 for pensioners, Veterans as in all those classified in this category etc. SADC countries made a deliberate attempt to have their residents have access to these decoders at an affordable price and not to have them negatively impacted by the digitalization revolution. This information transformation age is infact suppose to give all audiences opportunities when it comes to information - via various multi-media platforms  - TV - Radio- Print - Web and Mobile. The NBC has already embraced all these platforms.

In addition to the three TV Channels, the NBC is boasting online platforms such as twitter, facebook, U-tube where many of its programmes are accessible, Skype, mobile when it somes to its radio headlines  and off late instagram. It has also started to stream some of its key entertainment shows, with the 2014 Namibia Musica Awards, NAMA having pioneered that platform. The various radio stations are indeed accessible via streaming - it's been e-radio all the way at the NBC. Infact the NBC has lined up more TV Channels, and the current three are but the first steps towards offering a choice to its audiences - in the long run, it's going to be an explosion of content bouquents. And that is why you as an audience have to gear up for this package - which will not only offer you TV content but Radio shows too - from one "Set Top Box Platform".

Digitalization in Namibia is a fact which cannot be ignored -- and that is why those experiencing and being part of it must tell this inspiring story - that of development in the ICT sector of a growing nation.

Disclaimer : The views expressed in this post are not that of the NBC but of the post author.

What comes to mind before your post, text, share and flight a message on your social network platforms?

Many of us have become so addicted and attached to our various social network platforms, face book, instagram, blogs, vlogs, linkedin, twitter and many more.

But, the question is, what comes to mind before you decide to text or share a message with your Cyber friends?

1. Texting as a way to express what you are feeling at a particular moment?
2. Texting just to share with your cyber family as information is power
3. Texting to look for input - guidance - expecting similar experience
4. Texting just to audiences out there and you don't expect any comment anyway.
5. Texting as part of having fun - loving to write in short and improving your writing skills?
6. Texting just for the sake of it?
7. You text to avoid loneliness and Facebook or other social platforms have actually become our friends - and keep us engaged.

By the way, do you infact first think about you want to write/text or share or do you end up regretting what you said after some thought?

Well, I am also trying to find out what goes in my mind before I text... lol

I just love deep thinking - and intellectual stirring -- we have to keep on having brain fun...

Many of us have fallen so deeply in love with some social network platforms - as they have filled the gap of potential loneliness.

Many of us have fallen so deep in love with our gadgets - mobile phones, laptop computers etc and can hardly divorce ourselves from them - whether at work, home, on the road and even in bed or while tub-bathing.

This is because such facilities give us platforms to remain connected, engaged and in touch with our loved ones, friends and work mates. Social networks or online platforms - have filled the gap of potential loneliness that some of us might have been experiencing - they have given us a chance to express ourselves even if you don't physically have an audience - they sooth us and release some potential pressures through texting, sharing through various linkages.

I for one find so much solace in mainly blogging and face-booking - and get so much fun and satisfaction from texting - as such platforms allow me to sharpening my writing skills as continuing to write can in a way help you to remember to write some words, construct sentences and force me to think deep about the subject I am writting....

That's why today, I still remain so thankful that I attended a Web 2.0 training course organized by both University of Namibian and CTA - conducted by one of the world's great online platform trainers, Mr. Simunza Muyangana.... since that time, I love blogging and skipping a week without blogging leaves such an urge and gap reminding me that I have to find a topic to blog about.

The world has really changed so much nowadays - especially in the ICT sector....unlike those days when you would want to find out how a particular event might have been managed, today, you can get a video of that event instantly, you can get still pictures, a person attending that event, whether your sister's baby baptism can text you in the midst of it to explain what is going and there are so many other methods...and I just love it ... I am also in the midst of it -- and have vowed not to remain behind by the what technology offers.

I am therefore one of those that have deeply fallen in love with web facilities and platforms -- and while I am aware of risks such opportunities bring along, I chose to only focus on what adds value to me, my people, communities, countries and the world. I believe internent and web platforms have more benefits to offer than the other side of the coin...

All you need is to be well organized - not to neglect other aspects of your life by only being bogged down by the NET - by being time management wise, have your facilities - mobile phone or laptop computer, have credit for your internet usage and a great area where you can have fun by making use of these great opportunities .....

Good bye loneliness, welcome social network platforms...

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Yes, it's "Die-Hard". She is a Cancer Survivor. It's Namibia's energizer when it comes to courage and determination to live on another day - despite the untold physical and emotional pain the dreaded oncology can inflict on her!

She was diagnosed with breast cancer at her peak teen-and youth age. The time a young girl is usually is hot-pursuit of her special years -"tertiarying as in university studying:, "birdying as in partner-watching and searching", fun-and-entertainment hunting and many more. But for her, she instead had to "cancer-nurse" herself and trying to come to terms with what was to change her life forever - permanent transformation - emotionally, physically and at times personally. She had to grapple with how she would be the person she is today post -cancer impact on her life.

She went through what could be the worse to any person of her age - mainly physical change - in the full view of her own family and friends and those who cared. The worse was her many hours in the medical operational theatre, which resulted a loss of a body part and a life-long scar, not only physically but also emotionally, not only to her but also to those who love her. She has undergone almost all the medical tests that you can think of when it comes to oncologic conditions. She has been in almost all key hospitals in Namibia's capital city Windhoek - and had been seen by almost all the country's specialists when it comes to that medical condition. Her medical check-ups demanded all the available special equipment in the land when it comes to her condition - from various external body scanning facilities to internal camera inspections. She has been in and out of the hospital - day and night - and had undergone various chemo and radio theraphies. For some patients in her category, a daily session of chemo-therapy can take up to eight consecutive hours of intravenious (drip) treatment which demands the person to be seated in one place. Eight hours is a full days work, but if you put yourself in her shoes, sitting in one place - undergoing that treatment - mmmmm - it is an exercise that demands courage, fearlessness and hope to live despite that particular time's ache and strain. The treatment itself can be another nightmare - with number of side-effects, depending on a particular patients situation - dizziness, nausea, vomitting, weakness, irritation and inability to do almost anything apart from being in bed. And you know what, being in bed does also not meant one is at easy, peace or able to sleep, it can be sleepless nights even through chilly winters.

She experienced the hardest times - ever - but her determination to live on another day inspired her and those around her to remain who she is today. Her "Die-Hard" spirit kept the hope of many including the hundreds of supporters from home and abroad. The medical staff has been amazing, the nation's care through kind words and well wishing was awesome. It's been a situation of at times not knowing what to do, but to remember to keep the race - of living on another day.

Hers has been "For the Cause". It's been a curve to share with other young Namibians who might be experiencing the same situation or have loved ones facing this untold experience - to say, yes, you can be in it today, but one never knows what tomorrow holds - thefore keeping hope alive is the best option. Many have come out to share her story with her in private - and to thank her for the uniqueness in her to inspire fellow Namibians that you still remain a person despite what she was going through.

As a result of her condition and in and out of the medical hands, she lost out on her tertiary hours to complete her studies at the Masters' level on time - but as soon as she felt better, she had always wanted to go back to class. When she was out of the hospital, she was ready to share with the nation that oncology was real - but one had to adhere to the instructions of the medical team - and things could just be normal till whatever time it would take. She did not forget her media industry activities - music and MCying. And she also took on an official job - still juggling as part of her ploughing back into the community at various levels.

There is so much I can talk about this "Cancer-Condition Fighter", a lot I can tale about Namibia's Own "Kan Nie Dood" and I know you too have so much to say about her. Others even went on social media to declare that she was dead, but that has never dampened her spirit to paddle on or that of her family and friends because she knows that ONLY GOD can call her name - when it is time and not any humanbeing.

I guess you know who I am talking about - I am sure you are aware of this amazing young woman - the bubbly child from birth, and happy girl from the we knew we had her - but an assertive young woman - confident Activist - a Go-Gettter every time she is on it - and "No-head-bending to Shoulder" attitude daughter of the soil.

Another Cancer Survivor Legend - living on to inspire the Namibian Nation! Xoxo "Die-Hard". Huggies as you continue to beat Breast Cancer.

This post is compiled in honour of  Die Hard's tireless efforts to keep battling cancer and for keeping a smile - despite the extend of the pain she might go through on a particular day.

It is also a tribute to all Namibian Cancer Survivors - those who are tackling breast, cervical and prostate and blood cancer.

And it is packaged in remembrance of Namibia's First Lady, Penehupifo Pohamba's International Cancer Conference taking place from 20-22nd July at the Safari Hotel in Namibia this year.

The author of this post has first hand experience of living alongside a Cancer Survivor and has witness all the horrible times of being a support structure member of a Cancer Patient.

Long Live Die-Hard !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, it's been all female analysts on NBC TV 1's Soccer Pitch Show!!!! Thumbs up to the NBC for giving our young women that opportuntiy to shine on what's usually and traditionally a male domain - not only on the pitch but also on the studio set. What a tranformation!

Wow, it's all female presenters on NBC's TV 1's Soccer Pitch Show, They are analysing the the African Team's performance in the 2014 World Cup currently underway in Brazil. Mmmmm, isn't that just great for the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation to give our women, and young ones for that matter an opportunity to talk about the beautiful game and the world's stop sport game?

Yes, it's five of them, four on the set, chatting about the various top goal scorers, the controversies of some teams and payment or bonuses, countries that saw their sport administrators costing them their jobs to the bite on the pitch and the Boateng brothers. They are talking about players' ball controls, from foot to chest to headers and composurers and general goal tactics. The world cup fans' highs and lows to goal technology and who is hot on the pitch - "my hot guy on the pitch, and off the pitch", just to add a bit of humour to the discussions. There was also an Interactive Presenter who brough the total female presenters number to five.

What a transformation in the NBC studio's - especially at the Sport Desk? The tradition has been to have male soccer analysts and presenters who are perceived to be football gurus and soccer knowledgeable. But, the world and broadcasting industry is really transforming - the fact that women can now also play football, professional football for that matter. In October this year for example, the NBC will show-case the Women's Champions' League - International Women Football. Therefore, if they can play football, why not analyze it too.

Again, thumbs up to the NBC - it was time to have given our women this opportunity - they have what it takes to be the top analysts once they are supported, and groomed. And Namibia is talking "50/50" though, not only when it comes to politics, but it is a concept that must be embraced at all levels including football.

Yes' it's been Jane Jacobs, Lucy K,  Chiyenne Jimmy,  and ..... Innocent Tjimbundu on the set, and Yna Tshapaka as the Interactive Presenter. You guys just rocked - keep up that spirit -and keep an eye on the soccer mantle so that you can learn more and more and at the same time, entertain the nation with your studio tete-a-tete.

And, way to go NBC - it's ours - both for male and female Namibians - equal opportunity is what? You are on points! Keep going, it get only get better -if we give our young broadcasters a chance - at all levels, including on soccer pitches! Today, Thursday, 03 July 2014 will go deep in the NBC and Namibian History as having been a night for Ladies on Soccer Pitch.

Thursday, 19 June 2014


Recently, the Namibia women have been illuminating and brigthening up the boardrooms with their torch light intelligence. Many of them are now slowly but surely making it to the top. Like in many nations, Namibian women are slightly more than their country parts when it comes population numbers. But as it is in various nations, women were mostly left behind especilaly when it came to managing institutions in the decision making spheres. However, this seems to be changing and will change for real especially now that the ruling party has adopted a 50-50 gender representation policy in its structures and simply this will be reflected in the broader structures of the country at all levels.

Here is a list of some of our Namibian women who have so far made it to the top leadership - actually leading the public and private institutions.

This week, two new appointments were announced:

1. Daisry Dumeni - Team Namibia CEO
2. Hilma Itula - Communication Regulation Authority of Namibia, CRAN's CEO


3. Paulina Elago - Top leader at the Southern African Customs Union, SACU

Existing top leaders

4. Inge Zaamuani-Kamwi - MD at NAMDEB
5. Nangula Uaandja - Managing Partner at PriceWaterHouseCoopers
6. Nangula Hamunyela - MD at Shell
7. Monica Kalondo - MD at Stimulus
8. Twapewa Kadhikwa -Owner of XWAMA
9. Martha Namundjebo - Tilahun - United Africa MD/Owner
10. Theo Namases - MD at Air Namibia (although suspended this week)
11. Ester Anna Hipondoka - Namibia Training Authority - Acting CEO
12. Saara Naanda - CEO at TransNamib

This list does not include female Ministers though....

Women are defnitely on the move - and we have to support them as much as we celebrate their illumination of the boardrooms in terms of women power and intelligence.

Sunday, 15 June 2014


If you are my social network friend and you care, share this message:
"Save the lives of Namibia's new born babies."
"Save the lives of our nwly born babies".
If you are young and would-be primigravida or first time mom who is pregnant right now, save the life of your unborn baby. Do no dump him or her. You must look for help while it is early. Life is so precious. Save that tiny innocent baby's life.
You might be facing the odds right now, rejection, hardships, lack of resources and most importantly support and love, but don't worry, there are those who care about you, just find them - but most importantly, do not kill your child, save his or her life.
It might be difficult to understand this message now, but it is critical to save the life of your baby. Yes, you can, and it is possible to do so.
Speak to the person you trust, the person you believe will help you make it - and share what you are facing. Dont be afraid of the Police, they are there to help you - find out where women centres are in your area - the social workers but most importantly, the people you trust, contact some of us on face book via our inbox to help guide you just to save his or her life.
Out with baby-dumping in Namibia and in with BABY-SAVING!
Thank you for saving a life by spreading this message... let's all embark on this campaign in an agressive manner by sharing this message daily at least for six months from now on (June 2014) to December 2014!!!! You might just save that new born baby's life.

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Namibia needs a swift action to save the lives of newly born babies from their biological moms, who most of the time are young primi-gravidas or first time mothers

SAVE THE LIVES OF NAMIBIA'S NEW BORN BABIES - this is the campaign I am initiating right now!!!

Cry my beloved country Namibia, Cry my Land of the Brave. Any life irrespective of the age and physical or mential condition of any human being is priceless.

Also, there are women who are struggling with infertility and are forking out huge monies in an effort to give bith to their biological kids... some have even been travelling hundreds of kilometres to neighbouring SA to the fertility clinic for the same purpose. Thank you that Namibia opened its own fertility facility recently.

But, if you carefully follow the news of young moms killing their newly born babies - right here in Namibia you will wonder. The ongoing news in our beautiful country has been worrying.Although available from the Police, this post is not really going into statistics and root causes of why our young mothers go for these unspeakable deeds, but basically just highlight that this challenge which Namibia has been grappling with is still persisting. Having statistics, although serving particular purposes, mainly of measuring the extend or a particular incident, any life counts, not only to the particular parents, but to the community and nation at large.

Baby-dumping cases in Namibia have been doing rounds - and almost every month if not every week, a body of newly born babies is picked up from a dust bin, in the bush, toilet pit, in a plastic or bag or wrapped in a blanked and dumped alongside the road or so. The latest body of a newly born was discovered after a dog crossing the street was seen with a strange body parts.

Various law enforcement agencies, government leaders and women organizations have been condeming these acts, and the perpetrators if found have been sent to courts to face their fate. Religious groups have also intervene, but despite those efforts, something just seem so amiss.. and we need an urgent betting actoin to help Namibia save the lives of newly born babies.

Can anyone out there who might have a SMART solution to this problem - share this with Namibia so that we can put a stop to this....yes, the various factors contributing to this phenomon are known and include issues of rejection of pregnant young moms by at times their parents, or those who contributed to their pregnancy, the fear of losing school or work if these were students or young employees, the unknown future of who will take care of the child, peer pressure, traditional believes and many more. However, this is not the focus of this post for now.

The idea was just to let you know that so far, we still face this challenge at home and it will be good to learn from others how they managed to put a stop to it. I still remmember how many countries learnt from the way Uganda managed the HIV/AIDS pandemic then - and may be, there could be a country or community out there, that has great lessons on baby dumping from which Namibia can learn.

Also, I am away of a campaign of SAVE THE RHINOS - and it was high time that we also introduced a campaign titled, SAVE THE LIVES OF NAMIBIA'S NEWLY BORN BABIES...!

Friday, 13 June 2014

Namibian Broadcasting Corporation's viewers on the Digital Satelite TV (DSTV) faced total black-out on their usual 283 channel just before the kick-off of the 2014 World Cup soccer game between Brazil and Croatia on 12 June 2014

Yesterday was an interesting day in Namibia. All of a sudden, DSTV-based Namibian viewers who watch  NBC content via channel 283 ended up with black on air after conduit owners pulled the plug just before the world's beautiful game kicked off.

Although some could still migrate to super sport channels as an option, even though they might have wanted to follow the world's beautiful games through local analysis, the black out on the same platform affected the entire content including the news bulletins which are usually popular amongt the viewers.

The National Broadcaster, after realing this incident had to sent out an urgent message by running a continuous crawl to apologize to the affected viewers for the incovenience caused. The viewers who usually watched NBC via analogue and now through digital TV were however not affected. The NBC leadership had to work hard behind the scenes and today, the signal on 283 was finally restored.

This post is aimed at basically sharing with the following of this platform of what happened, but it will not go into the nitty grities as to what actually caused this hiccup. That information can be deliberated on once they are clear as at the moment, there are various issues that are being mentioned which need to be verified with both the DSTV owners and the NBC.

It is understood that DSTV has also pulled the plug in some countries like Mozambique and Zambia - the author of this post could however not verify this fact with the aunthentic sources, but picked this up from facebook posts as the Namibian situation attracted input on social media.

Now that the signal has been restored on NBC's DSTV Channel 283 - just enjoy all your 64 matches on NBC - LIVE on your national broadcaster. Don't miss out on the local point of view input and analysis on these games. Plus, the NBC is having a number of competitions airing during this time of the world cup. One of them is the give-away of a 42 LCD HD flat screen TV's which can also double up as computers. All that a person has to do is to SMS the world FIFA to 5005 and you can be the lucky winner. The SMS costs N$5.00.

Menesia Muinjo - the author of this post on NBC TV at the launch of the NBC 2014 World Cup launch, which was a hit..

Other SMS competitions are also lined up - and all you have to do is to watch NBC.

The NBC has so much in store for you - just make it a point to remain with the National Broadcaster after the world cup as there some exciting programmes lined up for you.

NBC is ours! 

Thursday, 12 June 2014

The Right to service - Customer (Care) Service - Do you provide customer service to your clients - at home (family level), work place and country in general?

They say, charity begins at home. How do you provide customer care to your customers/clients at home - to your family? Do you know that having an unhappy client means this client will run away from your business, whether at at home -work place or at national level?

How do you treat clients coming to your work place? When someone complains of any issue as a result of your poor service, how do you respond to such a person? Do you politely attend to that person's query and tolerantly find solution to him or her. How long does that person wait for you to find a solution to his or her problem - do you have a one stop shop where your customers' problems are attended to or do you send this person left and right frusting him or her further?

Do you have knowledge of the products you are selling or managing and are you able to articulate the content of your product or do you rather refer such queries to your senior which risks the client to find a solution or an answer to the queries?

But above all, do we all understand that our bills are paid by our customers - or we do get money/revenue because of what we sell to our clients, service, goods and products? Are you an Ambassador of your family and family's name - trough the values and morals around customer service? Are you and Ambassador of your work place - and advance the employer's brand and image - by professionally attending to customer service? Are you the Ambassador of your country, do you have the Namibian-hood and National Pride? What can you do for your country instead of you asking what your country can do for you?

Namibians are known to be beautiful people, hospitable, friendly and ready to receive almost anyone, in the form of a tourist, investor and general visitors. But as some describe it today, the Namibian's customer service is reported to be "pathetic" and needs overhaulling.

The Namibia Customer Service dialogue kicked off at the Polytechnic of Namibia's Hotel School in the capital today with various stakeholders sharing ideas on how to make Customer Care a National value. The questions many had to was, what do we do to ensure that Namibians go back to the basics of customer care. An example was made that at times, a person enters the shop, and upon entry - one is met by shot attendants asking how they could assist. But as soon as the person who was assisted seemed to have realized that something was not good and needed help - it becomes difficult for the same attendants to once again come to him for a solution. Namibians were said to be good at wanting to get something and once they got it, that was it.

The issues of how we tourists in our country are being treated... mmmm, our country is beautiful and has friendly people but our customer service is .......................??

The dialogue has been initiatiated by the Polytechnic of Namibia - and is supported by various sponsors - although more are invited to come on board so that this problem can be tackled from various corners. The moderator of the dialogue was former MVA CEO - Mr. Jerry Muadinohamba - who said the customer service provided by the front people/employees of any company is reflection of the leadership of a particular business. Panelists included Namibia Tourism Board's Maggy Mbako, Hospitality's Gitta Paetzoldt and Communication Regulations Authority of Namibia (CRAN)'s CEO, Mr. Stanely Shanapinda. The Rector of Polytechnic Dr Tjama Tjivikua also spoke and the Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry Mr. Tjekero Tweya. And those who attended also participated in the dialogue. In November this year - some Namibians and their instituttions - Public, Private, Corporates, SME and other various categories stand a chance to be nominated for their efforts in furthering Customer Service in Namibia.

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Social Media Platforms, great opportunities for each one to teach one

"Each One Teach One". That's one of the popular slogans I used to hear especially during the times of education drives and campaigns across Namibia.

Today, I think that slogan is even more relevant with the social media platforms where each one with a good intention - a person who wants to improve the knowlege of his or her nationa can teach one.

The platforms are so readily available, and most of the time, our mobile phones and other gadgets or devices have the necessary tools for each person to share knowledge with the next person. That information can be sent instantly in an easier and fast manner.

That's why I am saying, we can all teach another another, whether you are close or far from me, all we need to do is to careflly select the good and information text and type it on particular platforms - whether in terms of cultural diversity, our faiths, technology, agriculture, sports and actulaly everything...your receipient or target receiver does not need to pay a cent for that knowlege.

Why don't we then just make use the each one teach one opportunities? Let's share this message and really make use of these developments as we build our nations - a woman who cooks great Kapana can share the receipe with other vendors who then can learn from her to put upt quality kapana... locally made - products - with great quality - through information sharing through each one teach one methodology by using the social media platforms.

Information as they say is power my friends and why not empowering ourselves?

Are you challenged in managing the social media for common good of your family, community, organization or country and the world? What do you think is the best way to manage the web platforms for the benefits of most if not all of us?

The social media revolution has changed a lot of our daily communication activities, patterns, frequencies and has larged altered the traditional way of sharing information. Many especially those users who are knowledgeable on how to largetly benefit from the online communication have fun and cannot stop to make use of the various platforms such development has broung into the lives of many.

However, there those who are yet to fully acquaint themselves with the inner working systems of the social media and how to manage or control it for the common good. This challenge has cut across the board from countries big and small the world over, communities, organizations, families and friends' circles.

Recently, media reports highlighted the "Snow Den Genius" versus technology usage which irked some United States Political Organs and Power Echelons.  This is a good example that social media and informatin sharing using various technology tools has not only raised eye-brows in developing countries, but in first world set ups too.

We read about Wiki Leaks, and I think technology too had to with it especially in terms of information sharing. A lot was said about social media having kick-started political revolutions especially in some northen African countries and the Middle East.

Various organizations including business and non profit-making have also been thinking deep about the internet usage policy and how their employees or stakeholders with particular interests in the business can related to the social media usage in the public domain.

Media Houses too are not immune, individuals journalists find themselves wanting to express themselves in their own capacity about what they experienced as individuals and not necessarily speaking on behalf of their organizations - a thin line between an individual point of view and that of the business. The question of carefully distinguishing between a personal or human right to freedom of expression vesus that of protecting the interest of the business a person works for becomes critical. Who should be protected in this case, the individual or the business? I guess balancing the two is the way to go.

Familes are also grappling with the same online usage information sharing - you find that a particular family member who so open minded and has no issues with sharing his or her own experience would want to go public by using the various platforms such as facebook, twitter, linkedin, google plus, blogging and even vlogging as well as Whatssup to share his or her feelings.  For instance, a particular person might want to share with her friends on a particular page that he or she has contracted a particular diseases/virus or was ill and has recovered and now wants to advice others to avoid what he or she might have done or just share good practices to be healthy. This action could however be seen as sharing private information in terms of the family members who are linked to the same person. Again, the issue of control becomes vital, but how does not control this - do you stop the indiividual from expressing him or herself which could mean healing- emotional or spiritual healing to that person and protect family, or do you allow the individual to share his or her version and expose the family?

In Namibia for example, but also in some other countries -some political organizations' members have been accused of using the social media in an improper manner - to instead talk bad about fellow members instead of using the platforms to advance the interests of their set ups. Calls to ban some pages on the online platforms also came from some quarters -  but the question again is - what does this situation tell us as Namibians, whether in families, communities, businesses and political parties?

To me, this case presents a huge opportunity - to see how we can educate ourselves more about the social media to advance our interests and how such platforms can destory ourselves if not properly used. The user abusing such platforms also indicates such weakness in that particular person - and calls for help in terms of how to improve his or her usage of the social media. It also rings a bell about the maturity of a particular group, community, nation etc especially in terms of not only managign the web platforms but also the management thereof. Yes, to some, these could be great political tools to finish others, but in the end, I am not convinced that especially in our Namibian context that a person doing so - insulting others will be a Hero or Heroine one day - or have peace of mind for the rest of his life. I am sure that if such a person has a clear conscious, he or she will definitely be haunted by his or her actions one day especially if these were deliberate.

But, for those who are yet to know the consequences or seriousness of using the web to the detriment of others, we stand a good chance to improve and change for the better. The social media has so much that an individual, business, community, family and country can benefit from. It is up to us to manage these to our advantage because doing the opposite will defnitely destroy all of us.

Namibia for instance has been leading as Africa's jewel in terms of Press Freedom - and this must include Social media as we go - there it will only be good if we as Namibians, especially those that still need to know the benefits of social media can just acquaint ourselves with its legal usage so that we can retain the title of being the best when it comes to media freedom.

Namibia has always been the fore-runner of Press/Media Freedom in Africa. Credit goes to everyone who contributed to this development. I am encouraing all of us to retain this title.

My call comes in the wake of  concerns of the perceived inability to manage social media either at the family, friends and groups, community, business,  government and mainly at political party levels.

Social media forms part of  freedom of expression platforms especially for the media and now almost everybody else as long as a particular person has access to  the online web platforms, has intenet  and knows how to make use of facebook, twitter, blogs, Whatsup, vlogs, instagram etc.

Therefore, as Namibians, we have to learn how to make use of the online media to the benefit of our interests as a nation and for the different levels including our families, businesses, organizations etc. There is no need for me to go write or text bad about my own mom, dad, sister, brother, husband, wife, children etc. The same also applied to my business, political party or government. Yes, I do know that when a person has no access to channels to raise his or her concerns or denied such access or not listened to, he or she is likely to find other channels such as social media to release such frustration or pressure. But again, even if you feel temporary relieve, ones conscious can continue to haunt the user of negative or hate text on a public platform. Being brave and still challenge the system either at home, business, organization, political party or government through the set up channels can earn you great respect in the long run, even if it might be painful at first. It is a learning process, I am also one of those learning to manage myself on this aspect. We have to continue to teach one another on how to improve and be best of social media usage.

 Let's avoid the destruction part of social media usage as continuing to do that can only confirm our weaknesses in terms of being unable to draw the benefit of the social media platforms. As you know, they say, the media can either make or break you, therefore, now that we know this why do we want to use the breaking part and not building one?

 Therefore, if you are grappling to control and manage either a family member, employee, colleague, political party member or national member who uses the social network inappropriately, you are not alone, but we just have to continue to educate one another on how to improve the situation. Namibia cannot afford to lose the top media/press freedom spot because of our own negligence, recklessness or inability to manage oursleves now that we have such opportunities, let's only take the best lessons and avoid the destructive ones the social media offers.

These are my own thoughts as an individual and a media person in my own capacity, aimed mainly at assisting young facebook users to be mindful of challenges these platforms pose as much as the provide great opportunities.

Again, this post is aimed at information sharing, advising one another on this subject and how we as Namibians can be best at using social media. You are therefore welcome to also share your views on this issue - give us your input because we now have a good platform for each to teach one.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

What do your think is the best option to implement the Ruling Party's 50-50 or Zebra Style policy? I am asking this question following my observation of mainly complaints and general talk about this policy without offering a solution or strategy for its implementation,

Namibians continue to amaze me. We are so good and complaining, moaning, being clear and loud that this and that will not work - but we offer little or no solution at all to a particular issue we seem to doubt of its function.

The case in point is the topical national talk of the nation of the Ruling Party SWAPO's 50-50 or Zebra Style policy - which demands equal election of candidates to the various political structures including the leadership list of the names of candidates that will be eligible for parliamentary seats next years after this year (Novembers)'s elections.

This post is not meant to go deep into the 50-50 or this zebra style policy - although it is obvious that those who gave it the blessing were wise and visionary as they catered for both sexes on equal basis, which is fair in my view as no part is neglected or advanced more than the other.

My concern is the continuous complaints, and talk without any suggestions on how to implement this policy in the best and democratic way. Why are we just saying the policy is not good or allege that it will only advance women instead of at least coming up with a method that will ensure that no particular sex is favoured?

Even fellow women just talk - instead of them proposing some ideas to find creative ways to see how this policy could work - what is wrong with us Namibians? Do we at times listen to ourselves talking - and analyze what we have just said and whether we offer some solutions or we just talked without adding any value?

We need to change for the better vakuetu, especially young Namibians - as it can only be an advantage if we have young leaders who will not nly complain, but help to solve problems -- problem solving is the way to go... the 50-50 if it is indeed a challenge for some, how do we unpuzzle that -- that is what we must all try and untangle, not to tangle it further ....

So, next time you join the 50-50 discussions, make sure that you are offering a solution to that "perceived problem (not a problem though to me, but an opportunity) and do not just talk - but walk the talk.

Infact the Ruling Party President is on record - saying there is no going back to the 50-50 policy - which means what is needed now is a strategy, method, modality, a manner to implement it without leaning on either men or women but to manage this equally.

My advice is therefore, let's be a nation that offers solutions to problems, and not "cry -babies or moaning people" what are we contributing to finding solutions to our challenges? You hold the key to this door.

My work place is the best ever! Have you ever said that loud and clear to yourself and to others? What is your contribution to making your workplace the best ever?

My work place is the best ever, second to none!

This is the hope of every employee. No employee wants to work at the workplace which is not the best ever. But what makes the workplace the best compared to others? I posed this question informally to one of my friends, and she said, the work environment must be conducive in order for me to feel happy at work. The people I work with my be good (good? in what sense) to me as a colleague - not back biting or gossip me and my supervisors too must be supportive etc. You might be adding that you need tools to enable you too work or you need a "living wage" (as opposed to dead wage??).

This post is however not focusing on the signs of being the best work place or the things that need to stand out in order for a particular work place to stand out. But, it is attempting to invest what an employee's contribution is and must be to making the work place the best ever.

Most of the time, we cry and say, my work place is not good - but who makes it not good, your boss, your colleague, the customers, the suppliers, the shareholders, or who? Where are you in this list? What role to you play to make your work place the best ever? Have you taken a minute just to find out how your actions or none action contributes to your work place being the best place or worse place ever?

I am asking these questions because it takes two to tango - what have you done to change the situation at work? Yes, I do understand that at times things can be difficult, or you give your input but there is not response or your contribution falls on deaf ears. But you have at least tried to do something, but what about those who basically just sit on the fence, and continue to moan to aging their body fabric that my work place is that and that - but they are not giving a suggestion or option to make things better.

What I am trying to bring across here to - the fact that - our actions or inactions result in how things are at the work place and even at home or wherever ... and we have to learn to do something - in an amicable way - we must stop to moan without offering options....

Your situation can only change if you allow it to change for the better... as they say, the worse pain when it comes to change is when you situation remains the same -- and this also applies to your work place - change it - make it the best place ever - speak to your supervisor, boss, colleague and find a way to improve your work place.

Well, again, this is basically just a thought - I am sure we can all find a way to put heads together to make our work places the best.

As for me, I am still convinced that my work place is the best ever - and whenever there are issues, there are most of the time, personal and temporary disagreements - issues of jealously and petty issues that do not even deserve one's attention.... that's but my view... once again, make your work place the best... you have the power to do it, regardless of the position you hold, stop blaming your supervisor, boss or your colleague, double check first if the problem might not lie with you....!

Controlling our tongues can save us so much trouble.

In the media industry, there is a saying that states that NEWS can make or break, but hve you actually thought about how much our tongues can make or break us? The sharpness or bluntness or our tongues reflect our beings and how we react to issues.

Do you actually react immedially once someone provokes you - either verbally or physically? How easy or difficult is it for you to try and hear, see and reflect the other person's action towards you? Do you react right away, and go for an eye for an eye or do you pause and think on your next action?

Do you know that being able to manage your tongue especially during the heat of the moment can mean so much in terms of your credibility, sobberness and maturity? Do you know how much trouble our tongue can save us...?

And with the latest techology, have you thought about managing the tips of our fingers on the key boards - controlling what you are just about to text? Do you know the risk such finger tips ooze each time they touch a key board?

Yes, all this power is in your hand as an individual - you can choose when to react to something with your tongue, how to react to it, when and why you opt to react like that. This is also the same when it comes to controlling what you are texting.

The aim of posting this content is basiclaly to remind you or alert you that - there is more than just reacting without thinking - or at least without proper consideration of what you have to say - you can just be happy and save yourself from so much trouble if you learn to just take a little bit of a break - reflect and think of the next action because acting implusely can always be a very big time bomb...

We have to share ideas and help one another - with the hope that our input could help change one of our friends on this platform...

Just think for a minute in what category you are when it comes to tongue-lashing - tongueling or  tongue trouble. Let's change today and make a difference, noot only in our lives, but also in the lives of those close to us and our friends and loved ones.

Enjoy tongue controlling, learn to love tongue management ! 

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Do you manage the social media or does it rule you? Do you manage your phone or does it rule you?

Off late, I have been seeing many of who seemed to be managed by our social media. For instance, two or three people could be having a serious conversation, and once the Whatsup sound is heard, or once the phone rings or flickers, then the person breaks away from the conversion to the mobile phone, PC etc.

In some meetings, workshops and seminars, participants while listening can immediately jump to respond to their phone calls or vibrating indicators from their cell phones. Whether the caller or message sender is critical to attend to, that's another matter.

At times, people's attention is just so clearly and obviously diverted to social media, whether facebook or twitter or linkedin at anytime irrespective what a person was up to. My question is therefore, are we managing our mobile devices or are they managing us.

What is the courtesy of being in a conversation with another person, or while in a meeting and all of a sudden, without even asking to be excused, you just jump to your phone? Yes, may be you could be receiving a message that is very important, but what about the other person, do you think that person is not worth it or does not receive messages?

Or should we as mobile users and consumers of ICT convergence just be ready to take on whatever it comes and be tolerant especially when one is in a meeting and phones just rings - as someone perhaps are yet to know that phones can be on silence or they just want their phones to ring as they might be expecting some calls or basically want to hear their ring tones?

Yes, the internet revolution is amongst us, with great opportunities and challenges, but how to we balance being ICT people to still love our gadgets but at the same time be weary about what they can do to us if we do no manage these carefully.

What has been your experience? 

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Let's change Nambia's gender-based violence trends into gender-based love and care.

Namibia has been recording incidents of gender-based violence incidents which led to the State President declaring the 06 March 2014 a prayer day against this evil.

The cases included mainly women murdered by their ex-lovers/parners/spouses or boyfriends. And while a scientific research is yet to confirm what the actual causes of these incidents were, many referred to the root causes as linked to love or intimacy related issues. Arguments, inability to manage anger or solve problems were some of the factors that some concerned people attributed to. Others attributed the root causes to the abuse of drugs and alcohol while others pointed to traditional and social aspects that put male in charge of household management related issues and therefore any female disobeying that could risk the consequences. Young females mainly suffered under this trend - especially those that were reported to have been supported by their partners probably during study time and when they are done - and reportedly finding footing and ground to argue regarding some issues - end up paying high cost in this regard, but again, not of such information was scientifically recorded, but those are some of the perceptions from many who might have been close to the victims.

Some people referred to such killings as passion kiling as it stems from love related matters, but others which disputed the passion killing description saying their is no love in such action as someone who loves another will not murder the partner.

While this post is not focussing on the root causes of the murders of female by their parners, it aims to encourage and advice namibians and any peace loving citizen of the world to help our country turn the gender-based violence to gender-based love and care.

I am pleading to especially young males - to take a lead in this drive - to take a stand and go out there and be counted as champions of gender-based love and care... we have to really make this work - e.g. starting one or two of the brave partners who go out publicaly and vow that they have taken this stand and that they will change the situation.

Young female partners must also do the same as it takes two to tango - the way to go is to learn how to communicate and solve problems facing partners in the relations, and not to murder.... pangas, knifes and guns down - and flower love up -- let's promote love among our relationship and kick out violence in our love circles.

I am relying on you to make this a success, each one reading this post must please advance this motto - and make a difference in our namibian society - kicking out gender-based violence and kicking gender-based love and care.

As a flight passanger (even sea or land transport passenger) never accept any person even a friend's goods or gifts to take with to his her her family as the content can at times cause risky consequences. If you would like to give a friend some gifts for your loved ones via airline transport, you need to first clear such gifts with the airports authority in person to ensure that such goods are free from any prohibited substances and avoid the passanger from being arrested.

It seems that as an air transport passanger, but even a sea or land transport passanger, it is a must nowadays to think twice before you accept any goods from a friend or someone you know to take with - to his or her loved ones.

The world has become so dangerous. I was watching a story on one of the international news channels today which stated that a South African National was arrested after cocaine was found in the chocolote boxes found in her langugae enroute from Thailand to her country. The passanger claimed the chocolate boxes were given to her by a friend as gifts to take with to her family. While I am not taking any side of the story at this state or even analysing what might have happened, I would like to advice both frequent and first time fliers not to ever accept any goods or gifts from anyone as language, both hand or cargo to take with from one place to another as the risk is involved is so high.

For those who have flown now and then, you will have obviously heard that at the airports - announcements are made for passangers not to leave their luggage unattended or leave them with other people or accept other passangers' goods due to the same risk involved.

However despite that obvious fact one still hears friends requesting their passanger friends to take some goods with to their loved ones at home - and while it is a good gesture to do so, it becomes dangerous when the airports authority detect prevented goods in the luggage as it can cost one's life in terms of prison terms etc.

Even recently a friend requested me to bring a long her goods from another friend in SA back home, but I was unable to do so. My daughter was recently also requested to bring with some swiss chocolates to Namibia - and again while it is a good gesture to do so, it can have serious consequences. And when the airports authority detects funny things, it becomes a big challenge and confusion as one hardly knows whether the owner of the luggage knew about the prevented substance or whether the sender tricked the luggage owner. It's such a catch twenty two situation. So many things have changed in the world - the usual good will that a person does or portrays to the next person is now being abused.

Due to incidents of this nature, I am proposing and advising that anyone who intents to send goods with a friend to another place must be at the airport and have the goods scanned and cleared in the presence of the airports authority and have them checked in instead of burding the traveller. I think that is the best way to avoid potential accusations - and rather make the traveller be responsible for his or her own luggage.

I know that at times a person is sending a very small thing or packet such as a chocolote box, but I am still advancing that such a present must equally be verified and cleared because the case that I am referring to of the SA woman was about chocolate boxes filed with cocaine.

Otherwise, no traveller must accept anything to take with as this can cause serious consequences.

This is only my piece of advice for now, but other alternatives are welcome.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

A pulse signal heard - but only for one and a half minute? Could that be from the missing 370 Malaysian airline black box whose batteries are reoprted to be having only less than few hours before they could die/flat?

I am following the breakign news on the internatinal news channels about the intense search of of the missing Malaysian airline - whose whereabout has been unknown for a month now. The world's high tech advanced nations have been part of the land, air and sea search but the flight debri and the black box are yet to be located.

However, as much as the inability to find the flight debris has been a big concern, the worse has been the black box or two black boxes that were in that plane. The reason why there is reason for alarm about the black boxes not been found is the fact that those in the know confirm that batteries in a black box last for at least a month. And that flight has been missing for almost the same time.

According to information from the intent which I googled and lifted as it,  A flight data recorder (FDR) (also ADR, for accident data recorder) is an electronic device employed to record any instructions sent to any electronic systems on an aircraft. It is a device used to record specific aircraft performance parameters. Another kind of flight recorder is thecockpit voice recorder (CVR), which records conversation in the cockpit, radio communications between the cockpit crew and others (including conversation with air traffic control personnel), as well as ambient sounds. In this both functions have been combined into a single unit. The current applicable FAA TSO is C124b titled Flight Data Recorder Systems.[1]

Popularly referred to as a "black box" by the media, the data recorded by the FDR is used foraccident investigation, as well as for analyzing air safety issues, material degradation and engineperformance. Due to their importance in investigating accidents, these ICAO-regulated devices are carefully engineered and stoutly constructed to withstand the force of a high speed impact and the heat of an intense fire. Contrary to the "black box" reference, the exterior of the FDR is coated with heat-resistant bright orange paint for high visibility in wreckage, and the unit is usually mounted in the aircraft's empennage (tail section), where it is more likely to survive a severe crash. Following an accident, the recovery of the FDR is usually a high priority for the investigating body, as analysis of the recorded parameters can often detect and identify causes or contributing factors.[2]
Now that you have some insight into what the black box is and its importance, one can imagine what it means not to find that device on time.

Today late afternon and morning hours in the American time - some news which can be good news in terms of recoering the black boxes surfaced. A chinese Vessel, that is part of the group oof internatinal experts busy searching underwater was reported to have heard a pulse signal that sounded as it if tould come from the flight boxes of the missing flight, but that sound was only heard for a minute and a half.

Although all eyes then turned to the Chinese vessel, not much could be disclosed at that state ad the experts onboard that vessels must also inform their government and then coordinate with the various commands in this operations before a lot could be said.

One of the points that caught my attention is the debate about it was possible to pick up a pulse signal from somwhere without identifying the debri field. This debate is infact still going on - but what is important at the moment is discover the black boxes before the batteries go flat so that it can be known as to what might have happened before the flight accident - and where its debri could be at this stage.

This post was meant to alert you on the current developments and I am sure you are already following these on the various international TV channels and online.

Internet addiction does it negatively affect families and friends? What's been your experience? Let's talk !

I was watching an interesting interview on one of the International Television Channels a while ago, with Jimmy Wales, the Co-Founder of Wikipedia as the interviewer on one of the world's biggest website, WIKIPEDIA.

I was happy to see that discussions because WIKIPEDIA was one of the online platforms I learnt about in late January 2014 during the Web 2.0 for development training course sponsored by CTA and hosted by the University of Namibia's Media Department. The trainer was Mr. Simunza Muyangana. The show was so easy for me to follow as I heard practically tried to edit some work on WIKIPEDIA as part of our course practical work and that is why I must still say, thank you to UNAM, CTA and Mr. S Muyangana.

Now, the reason why I am compiling this content is to briefly reflect on one of the questions that came up during that interview with Mr, Jimmy Wales, whether internet has negatively affected families due to the addiction among those who cling on their mobile devices at all times.

Personally, I am one of the internet - lovers too - but I am not sure whether I can say that I am addicted or not. However, I appreciate the opportunities the internet provides as it links me with almost everyone I need to connect with, as long as I have their correct online addresses. Internet has actually helped me to re-connect with my friends and acquintenances that have been overseas or those I was studying with for years - and now that we have facebook, linkedin, twitter and blogs, as well as vlogs and other platforms, things have become so much easier to link up - at a limited or no cost at all - through What's up or Skype.

At the family level - yes, one can say may be time seem to be dedicated to cyber friends than physical home friends and family. In my case for instance - almost all of us use the internet - or mobile phones... and I am able to link up with the children and husband through such platfoms especially during the day when each one of us has gone to school or work. When we are at home - all of us end up busy on our gadgets - but that only happens after dinner and when we are all gone to our bedrooms. But, it is true that at times, my husband and I seat on one couch, he is busy with his mobile and I am busy blogging - and we might take a few minutes wihout talking to each other, but if I need something or help like in finding an appropriate word or a meaning of something, I then speak to him, he too does the same, may be he needs a phone number of someone or so, he will also ask me - the kids are also the same - they get busy with their studies and up up googling some information on the net ...whenever we are in our rooms - at times a person get lazy that he or she can just get in touch via facebook as that is the easiest to reach someone or via Whatsup.

Therefore, I am not really qualified to say if the internet addiction has negatively affected families. Yes, it was mentioned that some people end up playing games for hours and do not want to disturbed or getting in tough with others - that might be an example of creating a gap among families at times... but it seems this will all depend on a particular family set up. A family can agree to for instance be together before and after dinner for some time and then individual families members can then continue to be online after that, just to ensure that there is family time and online time.

But, I am sure online activities has added so much value to our lives and how we communicate - and link up with our sources - you can crowd source, you can market your goods and services - you can announce anything and share almost anything as long as it is in good taste and public interest or at least in the interest of your followers and friends... yeah, you can name it.

Anyway, it is said that too much of everything is not good, whether food, alcohol or internet, so we have to also learn how to control our love for internet and not neglect our families in the process.

What is your experience with the internet indulgence??

Forgive yourself and forgive any person who wronged you - do not host anger, hatred, disappointment in your system for life - take that stand now, you will feel much better and liberated from that emotional pain.

Many of us are harbouring feelings of anger, disappointment, hatred, thoughts of revenge or just contemplating as to what to do against those who offended us and caused us pain, in relations, at the work place or just in our communities and countries. But, the question is, until when to we allow us to store those feelings, those pains that hurt more especially if we think about the person who offended us or physically or even photographically see that person or group? Do we now at the more we keep anger, hate, and pain in our hearts, the more we overload our systems and negatively affect our peace and health? Sometimes I ask myself, well a person got angry because he or she was disppointed by someone who promised him or her to be her everlasting lover - just an example - but well, if that person is no longer interested in that love, why should I habour the hatred for the rest of my life, why can't I find a way to forgive myself and forgive that person and move on - and look for a new love if that is the next option - you have the opportunity to do right that and start a new life.

You can forgive yourself now - and forgive the offender right now - and see how better you will feel.

According to the google explanation, Forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, lets go of negative emotions such as revenge, with an increased ability to wish the offender well.[1][2][3] Forgiveness is different from condoning (failing to see the action as wrong and in need of forgiveness), excusing (not holding the offender as responsible for the action), pardoning (granted by a representative of society, such as a judge), forgetting (removing awareness of the offence from consciousness), and reconciliation (restoration of a relationship).[1] In certain contexts, forgiveness is a legal term for absolving or giving up all claims on account of debt, loan, obligation or other claims.

Today, I  would like to challenge my facebook, twitter, linkedin and friends and followers , especially the young ones in particular, those that might be angry at someone or a group to take a stand now and forgive such a person or group. You must start by forgiving yourself - and then that person, despite what he or she did to you - do not worry about the depth or magnitude of damage he or she caused to you and your character - the pain he orshe might have caused and the dent of your dignity. The most noble thing you can do to yourself now is to forgive yourself for the anger you might have harboured due to the damage, disappointment and hardship that came about due to that situation and then forgive him or her, right now. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE - BUT YOU WILL GAIN PEACE OF MIND -HEALING OF YOUR SOUL AND HEART - AND MUCH JOY - YOU WILL BE FREE AND LIBERATED - BUT ONLY YOU WILL EXPERIENCE AND FEEL THAT - IT IS YOUR DECISION AND NOT YOUR FRIENDS ONE - TAKE A MINUTE, THINK DEEP ABOUT IT AND TAKE THAT ACTION. You will also restore relations - but most importantly - you will restore your inner calm - happiness and relaxation. This is just a piece of advice though... it is possible and it is a memorable experience to be free and happy instead of carrying anger and be in pain all the time.

Just think that that some Tutsis and Hutu in Rwanda were on one another's throats in 1994, 20 years today, they are holding hands to build their country. And I do't need to go too far, in Namibia, before independence, a lot happened and up to now some families cannot account for their loved ones, but we cannot be bitter till death, we have to forgive one another and move on.

Now why is your situation so difficult - why can't you forgive that former friend, spouse, partner, boy friend, girlfriend, employer, employee or yours and move on ? You can do it, just try - so next time we get in touch on this page, you will be smiling and laughing off the inability to forgive that you might have faced then...good luck,.