Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Are you one of those people still thinking "inside the box?" Is your mind bonded or let me say, is your brain power in bondage?

I just love to think and think deeper - this subject of the mind versus liberation and flexibility to stretch - just came to mind.

Most of the time, we say - we can't do this and that - and we can't think that and that? But why? Doe our minds have the ability to think further and deeper and we might just perhaps want to restrict that involuntary procecess.

I have people say - apartheid and colonialism has been those colonized or those who lived during such rule to think in a certain pattern. On the 21st of March 2014, Namibia is marking 24 years of independence - which allows free thinking and no restrictions in terms of thoughts reflection. But, I still here people say, "think outside the box?" But why? Why are we still thinking inside the box? Have we self-censored our deep thinking process? Have we put ou rminds in bondage? Are our mental mines in solitary confienement?

Thinking creativley and wildly is part of our brain power - we have so much capability to know a lot by using our brain - anything -- we can learn - and it is so liberating and freeing. It is such a fullfilling feeling which can only be experienced by the person who has liberated his or her mind - a person who has discovered what it means to think outside the box?

I have actually been wondering why we restrict ourselves to think onl inside the box or not to think outside the box. I wonder what gain, satisfaction and value we get from being static with our thoughts - and not wanting to be exploring as to what the brain flexing can bring upon the person's being.

This is not an easy topic to tackle, as I am also trying to find out the reasons from my own experience and perspective and do not necessary want to google or quote other people's versions. Have you thought about this subject? Have you realized that at times you might be just want to think in a narrow fashion? But why? These are the questions I am grappling with - hoping to find an answer that if we all try our best, to liberate our thoughts, our brains, we can just go a long way - we need to always look at an issue with an objective mind, in a fair manner and without taking side or preconceived mind. I guess that is part of wide thinking - pondering beyong the usual space -outside the box.

As I write this content, I am  am watching CCTV on NBCTV 2 (Namibia), and I see a newly opened CHINA MALL in SA and it looks so huge and cool.....In Namibia we have China Town, many shopts at one place but not really in the mall form... mmmm.....thinking out of the box.... I wonder when one of us from the Land of the Brave can build a Namibian Mall in one of the countries abroad - even China...creative thinking is what is needed. That's enterpreneurship - sooner or later South Africans might no longer need to travel to China for shopping as the goods are brought right at their door step.... what are we waiting for ?? Brain power !! That's the brain-bondage I referred to --that at times, we suffer from self-imposed mind-solitary confinement.. and we need to break-free from such symptoms. We do not need to built a mall, but I am sure we can also come up with some unique concept that will add value to our own development. Just thinking though...What are you thining of in an effort to change the world, add value to your own community. Think outside the box.

I am still tempted to say - we are our own key to open those doors that have blocked your brain into a narrow path - break free - and let our brain power contribute to value adding of our personal lives and those of others - I continue to think deep about this topic.

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