As part of the CAAP Partnership Platform or CAADP PP which took place from 17-18 March 2014 in Durban, South Africa, FARA launched the Integrated Agriculture Research four Development, or IAR4D proof of concept in the form of a booklet.
The proof of concept IAR4D booklet which was launched in Durban, SA on 18th March 2014 |
The proof of concept is an innovative approach developed by FARA to enhance the impact of research. It is designed to overcome the shortcomings of the traditional agricultural research and development approaches. One of FARA's Scientists that authorized the proof of concept document, Professor Wale Adekunle who is the Director of Partnership, DPA in a brief face to face interview with him at the International Convention Centrer in Durban, SA said the book was meant to change the way research was conducted. He said, previously, researchers in the form of a consult will do the research and given the findings to an extension officer who will then take up the outcome with the end users who were not involved in the research process. But, with the proof of concept, the research process demands the inclusion of the the farmers/ensurers/consumers from the word go as they are the ones who know the research needs better.
One of FARA's Directors and Co-author of the IAR4D proof of concept, Prof Wale Adekunle holding the booklet |
In the acknowledgement Chapter of the proof of concept, it is stated that the IAR4D forms the basis for Sub-Saharan Africa's Challenge Programme, SSA CP limted geographically to a particular region of the world. It says the focus of the SSA CP is to facilitate substantially great impact from agriculatural research for development ARD leading to improved rural livelihood, increased food security and sustainable natural resources management throughout Sub-Sahara Africa.
FARA's Prof Wale Adekunle, Co-Auhtor of the proof of concept |
The booklet was launched on Tuesday evening (18th March 2014) by Dr Jean Ping, the former AU Commission Chairperson who is now the Chairman of FARA's recently constituted High Level Advocacy Panel. CAADP PP participants who attended the launch hosted together with the cocktail for the guests were given the copies of the book and could them signed by some of the authors that were presents and Dr Ping.The booklet details the full concept and how it can benefit the targeted groups - the end users of the research. The booklet will contribute to the much needed data and mehodologies on the integrated agricultural research for development on the continent.
FARA's Prof Wale Adekunle signing the proof of concept copy for Namibia' Broadcasting Corporation's Menesia Muinjo after she briefly interviewed him on why it was necessary to write the booklet. |
FARA stands for Forum of Agricultural Research in Africa. It is a technical arm of the African Union Commission, AUC on rural economy and agricultura development and the lead agency of the AU's New Partnership for Africa's Development, NEPAD to implemnt th fourth pillar of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme CAADP, involving agricultural research, technology and uptake.
FARA's vision is to reduce povrty in Africa as a result of sustainable broad-based agricultural growth and improved livelihoods, particulary of smallholder and passtoral enterprises. Its mission is to create broad-based improvements in agricultural productivity, competittiveness and markets by supporting Africa's sub-regional organizations, SRO's in strengthening capacity for agricultural innovations.
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