Saturday, 15 March 2014

What is love? How long does love last? Does it last as long as love is not hurt or what actually happens? What is your experience? And I do not want us to refer to google but your own experience.

In some cultures, i guess including mine which I will not mention now, a person and a especially a girl or lady or woman is not really expected to express herself how she feels whenever she experiences or falls in love. Your parents and guardinans will also not discuss with you what love is or its symptons so that you can be on alert when love strikes and know what to do.

Most of us and I guess myself, had just to learn what might be the signs of love and how it feels to experience love. Therefore, it might be a challenge to desbribe love in a standard or uniform way because I believe each person is unique and therefore experiences love in a particular love.

Sometimes, we hear people telling us that "wow, you are glowing", or jy blom which is an afrikaans expression and at times imply that one could be in love - as there seems to be good signs of happiness shining through the  person's looks and appearance. Sometimes, a person says, I just don't know how I feel especially when talking to the person he or she loves which is also taken at times as a sign of having fallen in love -others feel shy to speak to a person - look directly at a person as the eyes apparently give away some love signs - while others just want to speak to a person or be close to a person even if they have nothing much or nothing new to talk about. Otherwise would love to touched by a particular person while others would like to touch is therefore a unique feeling and particular to an individuals. The bottom line is that a person feels, good, warm, tendered, cared for, appreciated, respected, honored both emotionally and physically - and experiences a shared or common thril that permits people to be more close, hold hands, give each other hugs, kisses, get more intimate, marry and even start a family together - which leds to serious commitment and responsibilities of conjugal rights.

Mmmh, I know that great feeling too... it is so sweet and one would just want to cling to it..but my question is, how long does love last...does it last as long as it is nurtured and not hurt - or can it still remain after love is upset? What has been your experience?

May be one has to unpack what it means to hurt love or the love experience. Love is hurt when the sweet feeling is revoked - betrayed, cheated or damaged - by for instance doing the opposite of what was expected. May be instead of kissing the lips that need to be soothed, that kiss is taken to other lips -- the usual hugs are moved away to the next person and the thril is now turned into some emotional pain. This I guess becomes more painful when there is no discussions or explanation how the lips that usually locks the particular ones have been swayed to another mouth.. was it a mistake, a comfort search or an accident, which would not happen again? Was is it away to realse some piling up unhappiness in one partner but not really meant to hurt the love with the person in a relationship? The absence to share the reasons and find ways to manage it at times can cause serious action that the partner will always regret. This is also worsened by using banned substances which are reported to alter a person's normal thinking and sobberness including the accessive use of alcohol. There are infact so many factors which can lead to love-hurting.

Why do we at times go to so much extremes in terms of expressing our disppointments when love gets hurt? Do we think that we shall no longer experience love after the one we just had? Was that the only love a person could ever get, was that the end of the world? No, this situation takes me back to a post I worked on on thinking outside the box. Love as we said is so sweet and no one shoudl really deprive another from experiencing it - if you can't experience it today because you are so hurt and emotionally damaged, that situation will pass, and you will surely love again - so do not stop loving forever just because you do not know that after your love has been hurt, it is temporary.

Therefore, I believe, love can get hurt, but it is up to me and you to nurture it, water it and tender it to blossom again - yes, you will not forget, but you will have to forgive - and if you are genuine - actualy both of you - you can still rekindle that love -- some love have actually bore fruit in terms of chilren and other off-springs... what do you do with such consequences? They remain your offsprings for life - and they too will need that different love that was born out of the intimate love from the partner... therefore, let's love and let love - and never stop to love for life or stop others to love for life - and the love oppportunities are plenty. You might be crying today because of love that has been cheated, but tomorrow, you might just again discover the lover of your life -which is even more sweet than the love you experienced.

Let's keep on loving one another - learn to solve our love problems together - and know that if one love fails, that's not the end of the world, but the beginning of the best love to can make your love last as long as you want it to -- you can nurture and tender it as long as you want it to - and you can maintain and retain it as long as you want to... love is so precious - it is full of joy - and life... revive it if it is dormant - rekindle it if it was fainting - le't love one another and each other...we can all be loved and we can also love to bits. You are welcome to share your view on love, to love and being loved.

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