Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Life is so beautiful. It is so full of opportunties and alternatives. Nothing ever will prevent me from enjoying being able to benefit from life. You too have the same access to life and it is all up to you to fully grab all those opportunities that life grants.

Sometimes, people think and believe that they hardly have chances to make it further in life. They say, the end of their lives in terms of pursuing dreams and fully enjoy life by clutching all the opporutnities with full hands seem limited. But do you know that there are actually so many options to a person in life... and that you have to make that choice.

Have you ever paused, and thought of how many opportunities accross all levels that a person have? Have you ever thought about the wide and unlimited access to life - so abundant and only you can make a choice as to what option you are taking.

Personally, I love life - and I love to be in the midst of my life - notching all those great opportunities and see how I can benefit from them. Even when things get tough - I do not forget to look beyond my challenges - and always look for a silver lining in every situation. And to me, every situation, every happening tells me something - and remains pregnant with potential new options. That is I why I have learnt to love challenges. Do you how it feels when you have just fallen, and managed to gather strength to enegitically stand up immediately and move on - that's great --it's like running a race and finally you come to the final line... the running activity can be streneous - but if you accomplish the mission - the feeling is great. Life to me is the same, at times you go through suprises, happiness, anger, disappointment and many more other aspects, but that situation or experience is not static, it goes or wears off - meaning the next moment when those unwelcome feelings overwhelm you - will be over.

Tomorrow, you could be crying and hurting - but as you know time heals, all the time. Therefore, I do not worry myself much with things that do not add value to my life - but those that build me, those that shape me for the better. Life to me is so beautiful. Someone in Windhoek for example might not be happy to see me, but if I go to Geneva or SA or Germany or Zambia today, I am sure I will get someone who appreciate by being. If a boyfriend things I am not worth it - I am sure somewhere someday, someone will love me - or vice versa - it's the world of plenty.

If you are even fortunate to have access to education, that's even much better as education is the key to many things. You can always fit in any community, market and environment. You will be able to understand most subjects - and share so much with many - enriching others intellectually and vice versa. It's the earth of opportunities.

Yes, there are challenges too - but so what? Who said life won't have obstacles - let them be there - they would be overcome-- let's find strategies and tacts to tackle all those problems - but beyond problems, there is a happinee opportunity, there is life and their is hope.. and you have access to all these. You just need to know how to do so.....

I mean, everyday we have 24 hours to ourselfs - 8 hours for official work and the rest of the hours, whether duruing the day or night belong to us... it is up to you to decide what you do with those hourse, with the 7 weeks a way, 12 months a year and 52 weeks annually.

In's that just great - to have so much time to yourlf? So wide and unlimited access to almost anything on earth, from your human rights, access to peace and stability, and to resources too in some cases. In Namibia, some of our people have started to have vehicles, which the did not have before independence - they have shelter, a job etc... yes, others are living in abject poverty, but their situation will one day change too that option of improvement remains wide open. So, do not give up to life - enjoy it to the fullest, as long as you take care of yourself, not to be ill, drunk and abuse others - live being fair and treat everyone in a fair manner - do not discriminate any person - we are all equal before the law and we are God's children.

This post was meant to encourage you to love being you - being alive - and look at the options around you - opportunities in your surroundings - they are there - and you are free to benefit from theem. Just try it - it is real - it is happening, life is great - enjoy it - as long as you do so in a responsible manner - whether at home, work, church or wherever.

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