I have just asked for some potential appropriate/acceptable word/words or description for what is now referred to as "passion-killing", but it seems many of us are still trying to find themselves in this....

Now think about similar situations that changed by looking at:

1. Cancer sufferer - now Cancer Survivor
2. Deaf People - now Hearing Impaired
3. Disabled people - now physically challenged or differently able people
4. Passion-killers/Passion killing now ......................?????

Can we refer to passion killing and murder? If not, why - if yes, why??

We need to help one another to find a solution to this as some people feel passion killing is inappropriate and seems to be the opposite of the act...or meaning something else not related to the incident.
Like ·  ·  · about an hour ago near Windhoek · Edited ·
  • Festus Prince Hangula likes this.
  • Menesia Muinjo Where are you my facebook friends -- anyone with some better words or description -- it seems this is a challenge too - to find the appropriate words... but yeah, let's sleep over it and see if we might think deeper tomorrow...
  • Basilia Ngunovandu passion killing-,,murderer
  • Festus Prince Hangula Mee Menesia Muinjo We need to know the origin of the term of Passion Killing who came up with that concept or rather term i cant seem to understand or find anything passionate about killing another being ....Howver apparently a crime of passion is comm...See More
  • Liz-five Lisbon Passion killing is really not the best word to describe as it is lately.....passion to kill someone.....no sound right at all Menesia.....I think there is indeed a proper word**murder** cos someone were killed....
  • Blanche Susline Goreses I personally think it stems from the fact that two people were in an intimate relationship when that crime occured. Not to say that the killing was/is passionate but crime committed fuelled by/committed while in a intimate/sexual/passionate relationship
  • Liz-five Lisbon On the othert hand its emotion that reflex this type of killings.....no one can have a passion to kill....sounds like something nice that had happen.....murder is murder and no doubt about it at all......honestly really want to know the origin of this word and does it appear in a dictionary.....I never though to google this word......I find the word extremely disturb and Im glad you touch on this issue....
  • Mkwahepo OMkwanangombe KooNdeutapo SP Mee Menesia Muinjo its not tht i do not want to contribute my views on this,but cz i am shocked,really shocked and at great pain. I stoped even reading stories regarding this passion killing in newspapers after th brutal murder of my young cousin.
  • Menesia Muinjo Indeed Mkwahepo OMkwanangombe KooNdeutapo SP, it is so devastating and I thought about you when I was thinking about the list of all our loved ones we shall think about for the minute of silence - God will strengthen you and forever heal your pain our pain.
  • Emili Brown Passion killer does not really mean murderer, its refered when things like romantic moment gone wrong or anything that makes you not to be interested in something else etc.... for instance, when your about to kiss your partner and suddenly they fart (lol) and put you off " which means they kill your passion" ehalo lakanapo hano:)
  • Matsadie Mutafela well said @blanche gorases 4 nbc news, whk! nd may God almighty strengthen th
  • Matsadie Mutafela I meant to say may th Lord strengthen thoz tht hev bn affectd by ths escalatng evil so tht thy may share their story nt fo th sake of telng a story bt tht thr story may help save a lyf.
  • Menesia Muinjo